My child has this stupid tally counter toy.
He and his friends are competing who gets to the highest count.
My son already pressed the button 40,000 times.
I wonder if I can produce a gcode for my bambulab A1 mini
that will send the extruder to the middle axis and lower and raise to a specific height at a desired speed
And obviously perform this for thousands of times, the hotend should stay cold.
This will cause it to press the button on the toy.
Once i get this done my son and friends will give up in this stupid challenge
I assume the easiest way would be to add it to the machine startup gcode.
I am just worried I may put there code that can send the extruder to a wrong position and cause damage.
Now, so many issues can arise from this that I don’t know where to start.
Just be aware that this is a draft, so I’m unsure if it works. Also, I am unsure where you will place it in the printer g-code. Note that if something goes wrong, it is on you.
If it goes well, no.
Before looping, the toolhead moves to a height of 10 mm (you can set more if you want to be on the safe side).
Then, G91 set relative coordinates.
Thus, Z+3 and Z-3 are relative to the last position (10 mm).
As far as I know, standard g-code doesn’t entail while loops and is interpreted line by line— also, there isn’t a GoTo function.
You may refer to custom functionalities implemented by manufacturers (as BL) or at the host.
To the best of my knowledge, BL doesn’t entail such functionality.