I tried to take a QR photo so I can set-up my wifi, but the image is apparently not a proper 1. Took shots from all angle.
Is there a way I can connect with my wifi without that code?
I tried to take a QR photo so I can set-up my wifi, but the image is apparently not a proper 1. Took shots from all angle.
Is there a way I can connect with my wifi without that code?
There is, you can put your wifi credentials on the SD card.
I do find that the app will read the QR code much better if you zoom in with the camera.
When I o i tt hat way, I get the Bind printer page. But when I click Confirm to Bind, I get a failure to connect.
Blue tooth is on. I get Failed. Nothing on printer window.
if the printer has a former bt connection with the mobile, you have to delete this first.
I got it to work, once. Now when I try it again it’s not working.I have that WLAN set to my network (Netgear), But it is not connecting to my phone or PC.
The printer does offer Forget wifi as the only option. Not sure if I need to erase that. You said to erase prior connection? Is that what u meant?
On my phone in the Handy app. it says printer idle. Don’t see how to delete that way. Also when scanning for devices, now there is nothing listed and nothing found. Both from my PC and phone.
Once my phone said an app is needed to use the printer. I have the Handy app, but I didn’t see the Studio on Google Play.
So, nothing is working. Any further insight?
look into the bluetooth connection of your mobile. is the printer already listed? if yes,
then delete it and try to connect again.
Got the phone to connect. Not each time. But, my PC won’t connect. Is there something with my PC that can explain this? It is not listed in BT devices before I scan.
dont know if I got your problem right.
you should have a bambu account.
I use orca slicern and in there is a mall home icon on the left, where you type in your acces data.thats it!
the pc doesnt use the Bt but the wifi I think.
Yes, I have an account. The problem is I cannot connect to the printer from my PC, both.via bluetooth, and scan for device via wifi. Same procedure with my phone where it connected via blue tooth. Why 1 and not the other? Will see if I can borrow a laptop that runs Windows 10 and see if that works.
Does your wifi name or password have any irregular characters or character length? Make sure you are only connecting via 2.4ghz.
No issues with password. I am connected to 2.4 GHz on my computer and phone. The printer automatically looks for 2.4 GHz?
It’s the only frequency it works on.
The printer does connect to 2.4 but there is often issues if there is a 5 ghz network with the same name.
In studio, are you logged in to your account? The PC doesn’t use Bluetooth to have anything to do with the printer.
You can see the printer from your phone? I believe if the printer is bound to you, and your account, all communications go through the cloud. Once bound, whatever PC you are on doesn’t have to be on the same network as the printer. Same for Handy app, you can turn WiFi off on your phone, read mobile data anywhere in the world, Handy wil send prints to your printer through the cloud.
Afaik, there is no lan connect on Bambu.
do you use a chromebook? …
1 wifi is named Netgear98, the other Nextgear98-5G. I am logged in in Studio. The user name is different than is seen on the printer screen. I assume that has nothing to do with finding the printer via blue tooth and wifi? Doing the latter is done via the Windows Add printers and scanners?
Yes, phone sees the printer. Not in the wifi connctions though. In bluetooth it is. It is not in either on the PC.
No chromebook.
Bluetooth is only for using your phone to transfer the wifi credentials/binding. Alternatively the SD card can be used to set up wifi (which I already linked).
Here is the wiki article for setting up the printer.
Here is the troubleshooting guide
Thanks. Will try everything mentioned,
I did go through the binding process and it worked on my phone, and Handy works on there. But, the PC cannot locate the printer, and so there is no binding or any communication when inside Studio.
You need to make sure that you are logged into the same account on both the printer and Studio. If you can see the printer in the Handy app it means that it bound correctly.
Make sure that your computer has internet access and the network plugin is installed correctly.
Yeah, wasn’t sure how that happened. I didn’t just make up a second 1. How can I make the printer one the same? Doesn’t seem to have a way that I could see on the printer.