Quality hotend

What is a reliable hotbed for P1S? (After a couple months the BL’s keeps falling apart at the heatsink.) looking for something that will last at least a year

Does your nozzle frequently hit the model or rub on grid infill? I haven’t had a nozzle “fall apart” on any of my printers with 1000’s of hours on them.

Yeah. I have >2000 of hours on my original hot end. It’s still working fine. But I never, ever use Grid Infill. I could easily imagine how printheads would fail faster if they’re grinding over grid all the time.

I also have to wonder if printing at top speed all the time might also contribute. To push filament out faster, I think the pressure inside the hot end has to be higher. Maybe in combination with really high extruder temps, since the nozzle is a press-fit, it might loosen up a little if it gets hot enough.

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Good point. No clue what it hit. Here is a picture of the latest. It has about 5 months of casual use.

I have had a few nozzles doing a Dodo.

  • Two were due to nozzles running over warping prints. So I am more careful about that failure case nowadays.
  • My .4 ObXidian was killed by an undetected poop chute blockage. That was particularly annoying as there’s a poop chute clog sensor that just never triggers.

So does that mean you don’t recommend the ObXidian?

The ObXidian is great :+1: Being much more expensive, it does hurt more if it is being bent by an undetected poop chute clog though. Not the ObXidians fault though.

Looks like something other than randomly breaking. Your silicone sock is stuffed with filament. It’s probably blobbing down, catching on the print and breaking.

Is this heat creep, wet filament? I imagine until you figure out the cause, a different brand of nozzle will not perform any different.

There are some 3rd-party hotends where the cartridge is screwed into that heatsink you could try, but I think you are making a logic error in assuming that there is a quality problem with the bambu version. Basically it’s flexing and breaking, and if you reenforce it sufficiently to not do that those stresses get transferred elsewhere. Personally I’d prefer those stresses and breakage to be in the cheap throwaway part of the printer.



So this is just normal wear and tear. Here was the first broken event.

I wouldn’t say normal as most users here haven’t experienced failures like this. Seeing that it has happened to you multiple times it would point to something unique to your what you are printing.

What filament are you printing and at what temperature?

Any chance you are doing ironing?

Mostly BL PLA at BL slicer defaults ( except 15c higher for bed temp). Occasional BL ABS.
Normally no ironing. I submitted a support ticket.