So I recently got an A1, and after doing my first few prints I’m still confused about how exactly the A1 handles flow dynamics calibration and extrusion multiplier.
When you go to start a new print, there is a checkbox to enable or disable “Flow Dynamics Calibration” that is off by default.
Now from what I understand “Flow Dynamics” is very similar to Pressure Advance (PA
) in Klipper or Linear Advance in Marlin. And when you enable this option, the printer seems to purge filament a second time into the purge wiper after the initial purge, except this time it does so in a pulsing manner (extruding slow then fast in several cycles).
In addition, whether you select flow dynamics calibration or not, the printer always does a purge line on the bed which also does the same action of fast flow/movement followed by slow flow/movement (you can see this in bambu studio by selecting flow view). This is very similar to the linear advance test pattern on Marlin which prints several lines with high and low flow segments.
Therefore, my questions are:
Why does the printer need to do a special purge into the wiper to calibrate PA/flow dynamics, instead of just using the data the nozzle pressure sensor gets from drawing the purge line with the low and high flow segments?
Also, assuming that the special wiper purge is actually doing something useful over and above what the special purge line does, why is the flow dynamics calibration checkbox off by default when you first start using Bambu Studio?
Does the A1 use the nozzle pressure sensor, toolhead odometer, or anything else to automatically calibrate extrusion multiplier for the filament before starting the print, or does it only use the extrusion multiplier in the slicer profile?
If I am doing a multi-material or multi-colour print, does the A1 do automatic flow dynamics calibration or extrusion multiplier calibration for all the filaments (such as when it switches to that filament for the first time during the print)? If so, do I need to enable the flow dynamics calibration checkbox to get it to do this?