As others said already:
“I completely agree with the idea of limiting uploads per user. I believe that allowing one upload per day is more than sufficient for regular ones.”
Anybody who worked hard on his models to publish them, knows that you cannot create quality models and presentations for more models per day, every day. I really believe this is a great rule to be implemented. Maybe this will also force people put the same model variations in the same upload, not 10 uploads with same model in 10 different sizes.
Regarding the points for profile, as someone else also said, I don’t think Makerworld should award any points to profile uploaders. All the points should go to the designer even if the profile is created by someone else. Maybe an exception only for the uploads where the designer didn’t bother to print and upload he’s own profile, but otherwise, I find it dumb that the designer worked and someone opens the designer profile, does 2 clicks and uploads his fantastic profile to get points…