Record the story of a rewards farmer account

One boring night, I logged into makerworld and found this guy on the “New Uploads” page. This guy’s name is - user_866211634

He posted a dozen spams in a row, taking up the entire page and grabbing my attention. I decided to record his story.

[21:05] He posted 18 spams. The model names are: number1, number2…number18. All models are 0 downloads.

[21:32] He is using other accounts to download his 1-18, each model is downloaded once in turn. Now the downloads from 1-18 are all 3. (At this point I am sure this guy is a cheater, report it!)

[21:50] Each spam has been downloaded 5 times!

A simple mathematical calculation :thinking:
If each of his 18 spams has been downloaded 10 times, the rewards points he will receive are:
Upload a model,+50(10×5)
every model download 10 times, +540 (30×18)

$40 Gift Card, easy to get! :yum:

[22:25] Each spam has been downloaded 7 times. It feels like he has slowed down. Is he tired? Come on man!

[22:27] As I was editing my last reply, the download times of 18 spams increased to 8. Maybe he just went to drink a glass of water.

[22:32]He’s sprinting! The number of downloads increased to 9! Victory lies ahead! :money_mouth_face:

[22:36]He did it! He successfully added 18 spams to makerworld, and each spam was downloaded 10 times! He received 540 reward points! :tada: :tada: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

Congratulations!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:


[23:50]He deleted those 18 spams, only the 180 downloads in his profile can prove: he came, he fought, he worked hard, and he gained. :see_no_evil:

Fortunatley servers keep log files.


He’s up to 404 downloads now

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This shows that he is becoming more and more proficient in the set of operations of “publishing spam - increasing downloads - deleting spam”. :crazy_face:

However, I have received notification that the account has been processed.:rofl:

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Lol this is hilarious! There should be AI in place to detect this repetitive activity… He cashed out and used it on a main account by now and if its processed, shipped then there’s nothing BL can do… This will ruin it for everyone and soon its not going to be 490 point for $40… or a gift card reward…

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you cannot cash out on new accounts within a week since new updates I believe. So this user will still need to get verified by thier system

Theres a new kid in town. MasterPocho | Published - MakerWorld
Multiple prints off one download, its a 1g square. Then deletes, start again. Their buddy Polino86 | Published - MakerWorld must be the printer as they’ve rated both I’ve seen

An hour ago, I also saw these three tank models, and the download and print were both 0. I thought he just clicked the mouse a few times by mistake.
Looks like this kid is a hundred times smarter than the guys before him

About 25 prints off one file is 120points I think, rinse and repeat.

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I observed him for 5 minutes and the third model was printed 20 times.Really good playing :laughing:

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He deleted the third model and then started adding more prints to the second one. What a hard worker!

They’re on the job alright. MakerWorld certainly catches this when they go to cash in. Its pretty pointless, and ultimately just spam.

It gets even more annoying. Reported like 6-7 accounts uploading the same useless stuff. They’re obviously all from the same person.