Refill spools hanging up in AMS

Recently I’ve had a couple of the BL PLA refills, after getting put on a BL spool, hang up in the AMS during a print. Is anyone else experiencing issues with refill spools?

It may sound strange but you need to give your refills a really good massage after closing the spool.
Its the “press filament” step in the refill installation manual.

Ok I’ll go back and read that portion, thanks!

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I have found that AMS savers (those with a long PTFE) can also help the cut down on filament being tangled in the spool. Of course, only if the refills have had the dry spa massage :wink:.

Edit: The manual is rather short regarding the massage. Make sure you press around the entire perimeter. You want the filament to settle into the spool at depth so it can no longer get trapped between the refill and the spool brim.