I just got my A1 mini for Christmas and am learning how to use it. I purchased teal filament from Bambu and it came on a replacement cardboard spool. I inserted it into the regular spool but apparently I didn’t twist it closed properly. The filament came off the spool and I can’t rewind it. Is there a trick to rewinding it or do I need to purchase another refill (which by the way they are out of the teal color now). thank you.
Provided it hasn’t exploded to the degree it is spaghetti on the floor, you might get through this.
I would wrap as much brown parcel tape (wide) as you can whilst keeping the reusable spool as tight as you can.
The aim is to stop it getting worse.
Once taped, attempt to wriggle it back closed.
If you are using a Bambu Lab reusable spool, wait for the click to confirm it is closed.
If you printed it, wait for the click and insert the locking plate into the centre section.
Undo the tape and pull a few metres off with the aim of manually reloading it with a degree of uniformity.
You are looking to determine if there are any trapped section between the wall of the filament and a side of the reusable spool.
If the unspooling is worse, you may be able unspool a decent amount first whilst still trying to hold the two sides together. You should try to do this by holding the spool halves in each hand and untwisting it so the weight of the filament itself helps unroll it. It will be a pain, somewhat of a time suck.
At some point between the full spool and the empty state, you will be able to lock the two halves together.
This may be close to the start or the end.
If you don’t have a respooler (you can print them and hand wind it or use a drill) you have a much longer time putting the filament back on the spool manually and aiming to zigzag the width so it will work when on the AMS.
However bad it is, it will be annoying to fix, unless you are rich, throwing it away is a total waste.
Chalk it up to a lesson you will never need to learn again.
You are so kind to take so much time to explain to me how to try to fix this. Thank you so much, and I am going to follow your advice. I am not rich nor do I like to waste money. Thank you again for your help! I really appreciate you!
Same thing happened to me, although the filament was still roughly on the spool.
I ended up printing a re-spooler, and a spare spool, and that made it easy to wind the filament back onto the original spool.
Thank you so much! I didn’t know I could print a re-spooler. I will definitely try that as well! Much appreciated!