Reinforced hot end or not?

Hello there Bambu Lab community,

I recently ordered a P1S and am very happy with it, incredible machine !

Is there a way to know if the preinstalled hot end is reinforced or not ?
It seems the black ones are but I would like to get a confirmation prior to printing abrasive filaments.

Many thanks in advance for your thoughts,

What Do you mean with reinfoced? If you mean the hardend Steel Gear for abrasive Material: no.

The P1 Series has Stainless Steel Gear.

You have to by the hardend Steel AS addon.

I think you refer to hotted, I think that all with black cooler are hardened, but no 100% secure.


Thanks for your answer. I am refering to the hotend indeed, I’ve been told the one with the black cooler are hardened steel, that’s why I am asking.

Anyway, I will order another one :slight_smile:


Ah, now i understand

This Pictures May Help you

Left Stainless Steel
Right Hardend Steel

P1P/P1S comes with Stainless

Oh, I see, thanks a lot ! Mine is definately stainless, ordering the hardened right now.
