Removing Print Bo=locks from print plate

Hi everyone!

is there a way to disable these print blocks from the print plates prior to printing? They sometimes create issues when printing, cause waste and more time is needed. Please see the link below so you can see what i mean.
Thank you.

Bambu Lab Print Out

Yes, importantly they have a function though.

If you want it to go away, then…

  • Find the “Global” settings panel on the left of the “Prepare” tab
  • Change the tab to “Others”
  • Look for the “Prime tower” section
  • Uncheck “Enable”

It will now disappear and not print.

It has an important function though.

It is designed to confirm the colours have completed changing from one to the other, although the flushing volumes usually take care of this. Its main function is to verify the nozzles will be clean and clear of drips and such before it potentially ruins your model each time a colour swaps.

You can reduce the size using the boxes below “enabled” in the abovementioned steps.

If you are printing, something that only changes colours per layer, disable it. If it is more complicated, keep it enabled but reduce the size.

If the model is very complicated and long-duration print, leave it as it is.

You can drag it around your build-plate to position it away from your model.


Thank you very much for this!

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These are “prime towers” or “purge towers” and their role is to ensure that when changing the filament during the print process, especially when changing colors, there is no chance of “color bleeding” from the previous color into the new one, thus flushing the remaining of the previous filament from the printer nozzle before loading the new filament.
You may choose to remove the prime tower from your multi-color or multi-filament print, either in the manner described above by Malc or by tinkering with the g-code, but by doing so you accept the risk of having your printed object compromised by color leak or (eventually) filament blobs or clogs, especially when using different filament types.
Although the prime towers does increase the print time and filament consumption (not considering the amount of purged filament involved in the process), it is wise, at least until you properly understand how your printer works with various filaments and master the required settings, not to mess with the prime towers. Cutting down the extra bit of time and the purged filament isn’t worth the risk of screwing up your print. In the end, this would very likely cost you more time and filament than when keeping the prime towers. But then again, it’s a matter of trial and error and learning from them until you will find what best suits your needs. Good luck.