Replacement for apparent X1E TH board failure?

My lab users and I were having good success with my X1E until I tried to calibrate the flow dynamics and flow rate using PPS-CF. On a couple prints using PPS-CF before calibrating, using a Generic PPS-CF filament profile and having slowed the XY tracel speeds to 50 mm/s, the 0.4 mm tip got clogged but I was able to clear it without much trouble. When we started to do calibrations we started to get the errors in the pics posted, then had an epic blob of death failure because, epic because I let the “fine tuning” of the flow rate calibration run overnight. I figured it would go well since the coarse calibration finished without incident. I was wrong. Now it seems that the TH board is damaged in some way, given the number and types of errors.

I’ve attached pictures. The flow dynamics and flow rate cal1 example pics were with a 0.4 mm hardened steel nozzle. The blob pics are just after flow rate cal2 failure. The connector pics are after installing the 0.6 mm nozzle assembly, as are the error and warning pictures.

I contacted Bambu but since I bought the machine from MatterHackers it seems they want to redirect me to them. So now I’m waiting for a reply to my support email.

It concerns me that neither the Extruder Connection, not the TH nor the AP board for the X1E shows up on the Bambu Store. Their wiki seems to explain replacement of each. Does anyone know where to buy them if I have no luck with MatterHackers?

This isn’t the toolhead codes related, but your calibration. The reading you have for the K of the PPS-CF would seem to be missing a “0” as in 0.013 not 0.13. the line calibration is out too because the scale is wrong. And the line method is better done on a smooth plate for better accuracy.

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Fair point about the smooth plate. I’ll get one. But the best line (at least with the PEI plate) was indeed K = 0.13.

Ok, I just looked on a bigger screen and can see better. Those lines are still a bit off up that end of town too, would pay to do a 0.1 - 0.2 scaled at 0.01 to see if the lines can be more even. This is using a 0.4 nozzle? I haven’t got experience in the 0.6 size and material.

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Good luck with Matterhackers. I’ve had horrible service from them even though I bought the printer through them. I needed a replacement board set for my tool head and Bambu gave me the part numbers. I sent that to Matterhackers and they managed to order something else and not a toolhead/extruder contoller board. It took 5 weeks to get the wrong thing from them. I would avoid buying your Bambu printer from them at all costs.

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Yeah I’ve been trying to get a replacement ap board from them for my x1e since Oct '24.