Reset IP address?

I upgraded my eero mesh network adding two more access points, when I restarted the network everything came back to life except the X1C. It is on the network with my other devices that are 192.168.4.xx but the printer has

is there some way to reset the ip on the printer. I created a reservation with the 192.168.4.x format and used the mac address shown on the printer. I restarted the network but no change with the printer.

Any ideas ?

Factory reset your printer and remember to delete the connection on the erro network so it’s like you are reintroducing it to the network as brand new, also delete the bluetooth connection on the device you redo the handshake with, phone/tablet/PC ect

I did all that but when the printer started again it had I was not able to delete the ip (eero mesh works really well but the router portion leaves a lot to be desired)
So I Figured the easiest fix was to move to it different network. This worked, going forward don’t think I would do eero again.
Thanks for taking the time to give me advice :slight_smile:

I also have the Erro mesh system but its the 6+ which is why I was hoping I could help, but I have it in LAN Mode and not on the guest network it seems the is what they designated for that as default

Thanks for the effort.