Respooling for the AMS and potential issues with respooling

I’m working on a Pastamatic remix where the filament does a 90 degree twist (see pic below). There is a fair bit of distance in which the filament has to twist, so I think it will be fine but I never had any nightmare filament that exploded into fragments. What do you think?

I think putting the respooled filament in a dryer will help it reset also.

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It seems like that may add to the risk of tangling on the takeup spool.
Also, you are adding a 90 degree twist over a fairly short distance, I’m not a materials engineer, but, I would not want to add extra residual tension to the new spool.

What’s the logic of running this way?

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I’m a little confused by this. Aside from saving a little printing time and material, is there a benefit to this remix? The original Pastamatic is excellent and this seems to introduce a problem.

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I’m aiming for a 50% reduction in print time and less bearings - basically a cost-down project. (Like the A1 mini of printers)

Here is v0.2 in operation:

Can I ask, was the infeed spool previously wound on your Pasta-lite?

Yes, on v0.1, it wound way too tightly and the rim flared out. I’m documenting the details here:

I’ll check V0.1 in more detail later today.

I like the fact that Bambu have a pasta measuring tool as a related project.

My project is gonna show up every time someone wants to make actual pasta related things! Haha

Get ahead of the curve, order a lot whole wheat filament (to avoid shortages) :wink:

Seriously, I’ll certainly entertain printing a later version of “KYZ Pasta lite”

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Two versions later, it’s running much quieter and smoother! I had to add a lot more material but I think the benefits were worth it.

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