Resuming from Filament runout on X1 without AMS

on my X1 without AMS. when Filament runs out. this error below appears

"The Filament ran out. Please load new filament in Temperture/Axis and tap resume to resume the print job.

I feel this could be improved. Once I feed in the new filament. and its detected (green dot on print head graphic) it should ask me Do i want to Auto Feed the new filament and resume the job? Yes or No. Than it will auto heat up to where it was before. feed out to get it flowing and then resume and continue the job,

I shouldn’t have to manually set the temp and then manually extrude and then hit resume.,
would appreciate this small quality of life improvement.

Thanks Bambu Team+

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Yes I agree and expect this on next firmware release.
But if you are not watching it, it would go unnoticed.
On future machines, add a low volt terminal for a user connected strobe light, horn or other.


on my X1 with AMS, when Filament runs out the fans kept spinning at full throttle until I resumed printing. Several hours passed because I wasn’t at home. Wouldn’t it be better if the printer went on standby until it was resumed?

Standby but with the heated bed still at temperature otherwise the print might detach.