Rotate infil on xx or y axis with modifiers

Hey there,
i am hitting a wall with a more complex part.
I am designing parts for planes and there I need to reduce weight as much as possible.
For this one I wanted to use the simple trick of taking out top / bottom layers in the slicer, so that only the in-fil pattern is visible. This is great for screwing pcb boards etc. on top with small spacers.
BUT the print requires to be printed vertically.
Hence I would need to take out the sides and have the in-fill pattern roated on either x or y axis by 90 degree to create the same effect.

If I do this pattern in fusion360 it not only is extremely cumbersome (could do it in blender or smth. else but loose the parametric benefit).
And the slicer quadruples the print time.

Does anyone know how to rotate the infill pattern? Is it possible?

This would save hours of my current design :wink:

Here you see the issue: Same pattern, same settings, left is the right orientation, right is the desired pattern.

Yes it’s possible. You will have to turn on the advanced feature and then the infill angle will present itself as an option.

Hey there, that would be exactly what I was looking for. But I don’t have that option?

Let me check if there is another version of the software or so… I think I am one build behind.

What version of Bambu Studio are you using. I double checked and version 1.9 has it.

Hey, just upgrated to the latest build.

I have also setup all settings like you just to see if there is a dependency or so. but it won’t appear … ;D

Hey, i think this is the cofusion part. I do have of course z axis rotation. So I can rotate the top-view orientation. But not on x or y axis. This is my issue

I think the only option you have is to design the infill in the 3D model, so that way you dont have to use the infill from the slicer and you have total control over the infill patern and direction.

Yea I think so too. I spend an hour reading through github comments and manuals but could not find a solution. Damn ;D. Well then it is back to long printing time with manual infill. Thank to you two though!