Rotating water sprayer/sprinkler

During the summer I have a small tank outside to keep yabbies.
One problem happens if the water level is low - birds want to abuse the tank for a bath.
Another problem happens no matter the water level - mozzies using it as a breeding habitat.

Tried nets and found them way too annoying.
Tried sprayer/sprinklers from the garden isle in the hardware store but they are pretty much useless with a small fountain pump supplying the water.
Of course there has to be something to be found in all those places hosting 3D files…
Nope, lots of things for sprinkler use, just nothing spinning or providing a proper cover.

After a few failed attempts I managed to create a quite well working one.
Powered by a cheap 500l/h fountain pump.
Uses a 15mm PVC pressure pipe as a riser, 16, threaded fitting one end the the spinning sprinkler on the other hand.
Despite better judgement I decided to clean things up and to upload it.
In case someone would like a spinning sprinkler : Is there and common fitting sizes I should consider to include?
Have no sprinkler system for the lawns, so no clue…

Who cares about fitting sizes? What I want to know is:

  • What’s a “Yabbie”?
  • What’s a “Mozzie”?


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I think Mozzie is mosquito, and Google tells me that a Yabbie is a lobster

Pretty sure OP is a Kiwi or an Ozzie. :wink:

Well, Aussie by choice :wink:
And yes yabbies are like small freshwater lobsters - great as fishing bait and also great once cooked.
If fittings won’t matter I guess I will just upload it without more fitting LOL

In case anyone actually needs a rotating sprinkler, it is available now…