hello all what does this depend on? there is light green and darker green in this boat why? when it happens that a print does this what does it depend on?
I printed the 24 minute benchy in clear just to reverse engineer how it was sliced and inadvertently found the answer to that
It’s the infill on that section which retains more heat which in turn gives a darker more glossy finish
Reverse engineer it again and check the outer-perimeter print speed. Then you have the right answer.
Actually i did that because yes it slows down significantly at the hull on the outer wall
For my 24 minute benchy with better quality i used line infill at 8% among a lot of other tweaks
But the infill seemed to make the most significant difference for me
But maybe I’m overlooking the real reason on how I improved it ?
What needs to be changed to fix the problem?
I’m assuming thats the internal benchy which is a modified gcode file from Bambu so theres nothing you can do with it
I’m out in the field working right now (I’m a mobile commercial refrigeration mechanic) so I won’t be home until late this afternoon
I live in British Columbia up in Canada so not sure if there’s much ofva time difference between us but with that when I have a chance I’d be happy to share my settings for my 24 minute Benchy with you
Obviously there will be some highly educated big brained professionals in here that will pick what I do apart but I don’t care, if you want to try and see for yourself I’d be happy to oblige
One thing that will definitely get some scrutiny is that I set my speeds, accelerations, print temp, aux fan, seam location and line type far differently from default then run it on Sport mode in order to get a nice Benchy at 24 minutes
The smart guys will say I should just adjust everything accordingly and run at regular speeds but I don’t have the luxury of sitting in a warm and comfortable environment and don’t 3d print for profit
You could try this as a start though :
2 walls
Line width .45
Arachne line type (default is classic)
Seam position random
Outer wall acceleration 2500
Infill lines at 8%
Print temp first layer 230 , every other layer 227
Aux fan 80%
Run on sport mode
Keep in mind this is off the top of my head and I gotta get back to working on this POS Carrier 8600 VectorMT reefer
There’s more settings but thats a start