Scumbag trying to farm points on fb asking to trade downloads

asked me once in group when i posted a make then PMs me asking @MakerWorld hopefully you can find his account here

Just tell him yes and let him give you his account name. Then you probably have what you need

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i put his fb above if you want to try

lol now he unsent the message, hope he gets shut down. Dont understand why people cant just be honest, Bambu is giving us a great opportunity and these losers will just ruin it for us all.

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i saw on his page he linked to his profile here with his hueforge but he has set to private. at least his profile id is there for bambu to take action. even shows him asking his friend to download to increase his downloads

Link now gives a 404 Not Found error

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says it might be private he probably hid it

another loser asking to farm points, but could be his alt account… he is asking people on every post on that group if they will trade…

@MakerWorld These 2 are both farming points. the Paul Figs guy is spamming his design all over this group and asking to trade downloads, i reported him earlier as well

there is no rules that say you cannot do so … so i dont see anything wrong there, you might want to ask the facebook groups instead if this is something that bothers you.


I’d say that would fall under “We have reasonable grounds to believe that you have caused or encouraged inaccurate measurements of genuine user engagement with the Services, such as by paying people or providing incentives to increase a user content’s views, likes, ratings, or to increase subscribers, downloads, otherwise manipulate metrics in any manner”. So yeah, there are rules that say you can’t do that.


interesting I havent seen that in the rules, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

I should have provided the reference, but you can find it in the Terms of Use - MakerWorld under section page 7. Rewards Program. You’d need to read up on both the guidelines and terms to get a full picture of the rules.

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I didn’t know download for download was against the rules because that Facebook Group literally has a download for download sub chat. I’ll stop asking to do download for downloads since I didn’t know it was against the rules but now you have reported me without informing me that it was against the rules and now I will probably get banned. So thanks for the warning.

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“I didn’t realise that it’s not legitimate to ask other users worldwide to increase my downloads on a platform where I get real goods delivered for this points from downloads to my home or receive other benefits in return.” :sweat_smile:

Or how about:

“I didn’t know that it was illegal to demolish other people’s cars. I’ve never read anything about a law to that effect. Shouldn’t the state tell me that in writing first? I’ve done it 15 times now, but from now on I won’t do it again. I’ll probably be severely penalised now because people have become aware of me. But at least you have now told me in the forum that it is forbidden. Thank you for that!” :rofl:

:pray: Dear Lord in heaven, let it rain brains! :pray:



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Take a step back and just read this chat… look at what the point system does to people… like really??! Come on. If this is “beta” I don’t even wanna know what the full release of MakerWorld is going to be. . This sucks.