I have a print, where there seamposition (corner) looks ugly. Or even the print fails because the nozzle always “crashes” the little dot at the seam and the part looses contact to builtplate.
There is a “Seam position” setting in the quality tab, but its behavior is a bit unpredictable. “Aligned” puts it on the sharpest corner, and works best for most models. Random is, as you would expect, random. Nearest also appears random (or nearly so). Back puts the seam at the back of the print, but still seeks out angles on the back side, so there’s not just an obvious vertical seam.
It would be nice if at least one setting would create a vertical seam, so you could then rotate the object to align that seam where you wanted it. But that is not currently an option.
Yes, it’s ok with Seam painting, but is a lot of work if you have a big print. Cura has possibility to choose from all directions.
I would like to have the possibility to choose, at least, “on the right” on my P1S. Because of the Aux fan, prints appear to be better on bridging on that side. So, I would like to rotate the model, facing the fan and, the seam in the right (the back of the model).
Now you cannot do that. Only by Seam paint. But I do not consider convenient to have to “paint” every iteration of every model, it’s tedious. Just choose “right seam” (or other direction) and that’s it.
Paint seam is for when you want the seam on, let’s say, some layers, in a specific or a completely different location than where is put by the normal setting, not to move the seam for the whole model.
I wonder, it would be so hard to implement more directions? Algorithms who position the seam “to back”, can be modified to consider other coordinates or to face other orientations? I hope .
I changed the position of my Seam with choosing “Seam Position: Back” and rotating my model to the Position where the Seam should be.
For example: If the Seam is at the front and you want to move it to the back. Choose “Seam Position: Back” and rotate it by 180°.