“wahts new”. Apparently not the spellchecker nor the website design. Wonder if they are selling a lot?
Not sure what you clicked on. The “SHOP WAHT’S NEW” button takes me here:
I ordered 7 rolls of different colors to try. I have had great luck with other Bambu branded filament so my expectations are high.
I got an email and clicked on the Wahts New at that time and it took me to the 404 error. It would seem rather obvious from photo I attached that the 404 error came from the website at the top of the page as shown. Maybe they got the page working. Perhaps they can reprogram the spellchecker to spell “what’s” correctly, or did you not notice the spelling. The point of the post was just to poke fun. Gets that got by some.
In fact I just went back to the same email and clicked on it again and it still produces a 494 error. That is odd, it works in one part of the world and not the other parts. Who knows…. !
Yes, I noticed the misspelling. People aren’t perfect. I suppose I gave Bambu Lab a pass for not being perfect either.