I’m on version
I have 2 AMS units using 6 colours and am making a a detailed card which so I need to control the order of each Colour. Preferably 1-8 but it’s not doing that. I’m trying to figure it out but currently it’s printing in this order: slot4, slot8, slot6, slot1, slot7, slot3.
As you can see this makes zero sense. It’s not perceivably based on anything either, such as material used, purge amounts, AMS order, time per section, etc. (it also isn’t printing the body first or last. Why? No clue)
I’ll add to this if I do figure out how it works.
Hey I know a lot of these posts are old and I was doing a ton of searching looking for an answer to this. Came up empty handed until… HOLY F##$ING SHT I FOUND IT. If you click on the setting bolt next to the plate you can choose first layer filament order!!!
thank you!!! I know they finally delivered this functionality in the latest release (1.7?) but could never find it!
I click on it but what do you do to change the order? I don’t see any obvious buttons or click options to change the order.
If you click on the settings bolt the third drop down is “first layer filament sequence” you can change that from auto to customize and drag/drop the order you want
Thanx. Didn’t realize you drag and drop the order
For anyone still looking for an answer, this animation explains it in detail:
Signed up for an account just to thank you. Been looking for the answer for days… its SO SIMPLE!
Anyone experiennced issues with trying to get his to work , in Print by Object mode?
For me, it seems to sometimes get confused aannd doesnt print the “!st” colour first, when using print by object - even though a) its first objerct in the object list to pint b) colour is first colour in the print sequence filament list.
Yup, you made me look. I figured out how to do it. I was getting color whiskers in my first white layer. Gonna test it as soon as the current job finishes printing.
I’m on Version and I’m getting VERY, VERY frustrated here…
I have the same scenario. Slicing a coaster.
Base = Black
Text = White.
The Base will just NOT, under any circumstance print first…
But I want the Base to be printed first! Grrrr…
Funny enough… I just created a Coaster with Sample-Text as I was about to create an Issue in the Github and that damn coaster (sorry for the wording but I’m slowly getting angry about this) is not having this issue.
So where on earth is the problem?
Here an Image of both scenarios:
Left (my coasters: Text prints first) Right (Sample: Base prints first)
Both settings are exactly the same.
I had already tried:
- Changing color-order for AMS (all combinations)
- Altering the order by Object
- Changing color in Object-mode
- Rearranging the parts
PD: Once I actually managed to get all printed right (Base first) BUT ONLY because one Coaster had the colors inverted. When I changed the colors to how they should be, all coasters where again sliced with the Text first.
This is driving me NUTS…pls help
In search of an answer without completing to read I felt like letting my frustration out by posting my previous (above) post but afterwards (for some reason) kept reading upwards and found your post.
THANK YOU!! From the bottom of my heard… THANK YOU!!
…you solved it… I still can’t believe it… ah… did I say Thank you?? just in case…
I will take your 4 letter word over the other four letter words that immature users of this forum use when their anger gets the best of them.
Does anyone know if there’s a way to affect print order for color swaps that aren’t on the first layer? My print doesn’t change color until layer 14, and the order of the colors matters a lot, but it always changes colors in the exact same order no matter what settings I change.
A few months ago, I ran into a similar issue, and just changing the order of the filaments in the slicer allowed me to set the print order, but that isn’t working anymore. I think I’ve tried everything mentioned in thread, but so far no luck.
Would still love to know if this is doable in BambuStudio, but for anyone else with this problem, I downloaded OrcaSlicer, and was able to do it in there.
Ummm what solved it ? sorry but I still have the issue constantly…I made a recent thread about it …
When printing multiple objects, with different colours - and print by object - it gets nothing right, even followign that animation, setting print order , plate print sequence (drag and drop) etc etc.
I also make those kind of “text on bed” type object prints, where I want the text first - and that still doesnt work consistently, when print by object and multiple objects are on the bed.
Do you mean by Layer or By object?
By Layer
- I right click at that layer slider (In Prevew mode),
- Jump to layer (14?)
- Change filament to colour i want
- rinse and repeat if other layer changes.
You do need to reslice to see the effect
The Alternative, is in paint mode by layer height, but harder to find the specific layer.
By Object, well thats part of my issue too I think, ignores it in print by object mode, I have found no solution for correct colour sequences to be retained.
Hey there, I just answered your question in your previous post.
I managed to change the print-order by simply changing the objects from (prints first) top to bottom (prints last) in Objects-menu. I hope that helps…
thank you so much, thats the solution i needed!
Yep thanks - decided to run a separate one, as my issue seems random - as per other thread, thanks for all the efforts and screenshots.