Set Colour Print Order

Bit of a strange question but is there any way to adjust the print sequence of colours or is it prioritised purely on volume of colour per layer?

For example I have a 4 colour model that has some fine detail in 3 different colours surrounded by block colour but I want the detailed parts printed first before the infill of block colour is printed around them.

The sequence of printing would not effect the structure of the model as it is effectively a solid disk (similar to a drinks coaster)

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I’ve managed to solve this.

For anybody who’s interested it appears that the order of filament as loaded in the AMS on Bambu slicer matches the order of printing per layer.

Therefore I set the filament colour / material that I wanted to print last into position 4 on the AMS in Bambu slicer. This doesn’t have to match the order in the actual AMS as the colour / material are matched up before when sending to the printer through Bambu slicer (for example i have black in position 4 in Bambu slicer and it actually sits in position 1 on the AMS).

Hope that make sense…


Thanks for this tip.

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Yes it does. Now that you’ve pointed it out! LOL

Thanks, I’m just about to re-do a print that was doing this too me. :+1:

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THIS has been driving me CRAZY lately because I’m doing an inlayed text on the bottom layer and it keeps wanting to print the text first when it is colorized by spools 2 or 3. Spool 4 does not alter the order, for whatever reason. Basically, spools 2 and 3 always go first. Can anyone make sense of this?

Body 1, Text 2 = Text Prints First
Body 1, Text 3 = Text Prints First
Body 1, Text 4 = BODY Prints First (Desired Result)

No changes other than “remove all painting” and recoloring for testing purposes.

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Can’t quite make sense of what you’re trying to achieve based on your description but here’s my workflow for setting print order:

Set order of filaments in slicer white (slot 1), grey (slot 2), bronze (slot 3), black (slot 4).

Import multipart model

Right click on model and set filament type to material 4 (black)

Paint parts of model as required


Model prints first layer in the following order white, grey, bronze, black.

*Note my model utilities all four colours from the first layer. Not sure how this will change if your desired colours don’t start at the first layer.

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Appreciate the help!

My model is not multipart. I’m importing a single-part model and coloring sections of the first layer (and others) using the Fill Option in Bambu Slicer.

I set Filament 1 for the object (main body) filament.
When I set filament 2 or 3 for the part that I have colored using the slicer, the print order gets altered and filament 2 or 3 wants to print before filament 1.
When I set filament 4 to the colored selection, filament 1 prints first again then filament 4 next…which is the desired order for a nice clean print.

I have tried testing on a friend’s x1-C and the behavior was the same. It’s obviously something in the slicer. I’m on Mac, they are Windows. Everything set to default while we test.

I too have been trying to solve this issue. I am trying to print for example white text on the bottom of my print 1 layer deep and the rest of the bottom layer and body are black. The order of the print is automatically set to print the black bottom layer first, then the white bottom layer(text), and then go back to black to print the rest of the body. This causes additonal filament changes. Where as you would preferably want to start your print with the white bottom text layer first followed by the black surrounding bottom layer and continue of black to the rest of the body. I suppose the trick above will work for now, but being able to drag and move your objects list would be nice.


Worthy of note - I’ve created a bug ticket for this, as it’s been frustrating me like mad, and I have prints I can’t currently do without impacting the net-result,


I’m needing to set which colour (in a 4-colour print) is laid down FIRST, so the trick of using a reel in slot four (to print not-first) won’t help. Nor does it matter which colour I have set in the filament list in Bambu Studio. Neither does the suggestion I have seen of “dragging” different objects around in the list of items to print - firstly because their position in the list makes zero difference, and secondly because I cannot “drag” them anywhere (all I can do is rebuild the list manually by importing the files in a different order).

This is a bit of a PITA as I have had several prints fail this weekend because it’s laying down the most delicate layer first. And I want my first later to be white - by printing black or grey first, that is sometimes discoloured by printing a darker colour first. As others have noted in the bug report thread, fine details can become detached from the print bed.

I wonder if we will get the answer that we need?

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This is exactly what mine is still doing. Both my x1s with AMS behave the same way.

I have:
A) Opened a ticket (no help, they just say to change the colors at time of print but that has zero to do with the delicate parts being printed first). B) Tried on a friend’s setup (same issue). C) Switched to Orca slicer fork (same issue).

I’ve actually thought of your solution on my own and it didn’t work and doing research led me here. At first, I noticed that my x1c was printing in order of AMS slot lineup. So Slot 1 first, Slot 2 Second, Slot 3 third, and Slot 4 4th. This led me to believe the order of printing was based on filament color slot placement in the AMS. The filament in slot 4 was the filament I preferred to be printed first. so, I switch the filament in slot 4 for the filament in slot 1… To my disappointing surprise, Bambu decided that the new printing sequence was Slot 2 first Slot 3 second Slot 1 third and Slot 4 fourth… No idea how to work around this.

brim color is not correct
i have a print in orange with black text at the bottom layer (center)
the brim was in orange that was ok for my project
updated to bambu studio
now the brim is black and no way to go back to the orange brim
tested spool position change , tested spools to slot 3 en 4 nothing works
going back to the old bambu studio is the only thing that works

or make a 3mf in the old bambu studio save it to sd card and start file via the printer display

pls let me choose the brim color !!

following… I too need to define the first print color, and I dont want to switch around any spools.

I’m running into this same problem trying to print coasters with text inlaid on the bottom layers. I saw on another post (wish I could find it now) that in the past, the order of filaments in the slicer determined the print order, but this was changed in an update a month or two back. It makes sense that to decrease the likelihood of first layer defects, the largest colors should be printed first. However, the quality of bottom layer text is drastically impacted by the color print order. When I printed the coasters a few months ago the text looked perfect, but the same file today is almost not legible because the background is printed before the text.
We need an advanced feature that lets us choose the order colors get printed!

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Yeah you’re right, an update has broken how I used to do this. Just sliced an old model I had that used to work with the print order technique and the print order has changed…

Hey there, mate! Ah, I see you’ve got a quirky print puzzle on your hands! :smile: Now, don’t fret, we’ll figure this out together.

To answer your wild question, adjusting the print sequence of colors ain’t a piece of cake, but it’s not rocket science either! It’s more about how much ink you lay down in each layer, ya know? So, if ya wanna get those fine details poppin’ first like a boss, you gotta pump up the volume of those colors in the early layers.

Imagine it’s like coloring your hair – you start with highlights, then fill in the rest. In your case, it’s all about those detailed parts shining like diamonds before the block colors come barging in. :gem:

Now, as for the structure, no worries, mate! It’s as solid as a rock, or should I say, a drinks coaster! :cup_with_straw: Ain’t no harm in printing the infill around the detailed bits after they’ve had their time in the spotlight.

Just give your slicer software a nudge in the right direction, and it’ll dance to your tune. Tweak those settings, be the boss of the print sequence, and watch your model come to life like a superstar on the catwalk! :star2:

So, go on, work your magic, and let the 3D printing wizardry commence! You got this, my friend! :sunglasses::+1:

Was that post created by ChatGPT? Because it managed to use lots of correct-sounding words, without containing any actual information at all :frowning:


I think i figured this one out for bambu-slicer. I’m thinking about making a youtube video on it? is it worth the effort? never made a yt video… Greets Richard


What’s the answer? What did you figure out?

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