Share your thoughts on Maker's Supply

Maker’s Supply is now accessible to all MakerWorld users, providing a collection of non-printed parts for designers and makers essential for 3D printed models. This comprehensive offering includes a wide range of components that allow easy reference and purchase to prevent mismatches. Additionally, we offer 3D models, instructions and even design guidelines for specific components to streamline the design process and save time.

For more details about Maker’s Supply, please refer to: From Vision to Reality: Creating without Limits with Maker’s Supply

We would love to hear everyone’s feedback about Maker’s Supply, so we can further refine it and improve it. So let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section. We appreciate and value your ideas and feedback. Thanks

The MakerWorld Team


First of all let me say that I think the idea is fantastic and maybe it’s too early to ask this question, but let’s just say that you upload a model that goes all the way into the creator program on the Bambu store.

Who owns the design at that point, you or Bambu Labs?

Very nice! Good to have a standard set of parts to specify.
I would love to see the addition of a micro switch module with N/O N/C connection, so that we can use cams to trigger things. Optical or hall may be an option too.

All models and projects created with Maker’s Supply parts, regardless of being in the creator program or not, belong to the original designer. Thanks


That’s great!!! Thanks for your quick response

When will digital versions of all models be available? Currently, they are only for the newest ones, there is nothing for old ones, LED Lamp, Mouse, Clock etc.

What about compensation for the designer if someone buys from MakeSupply because of the included BOM?"

Two questions:

  1. I see a lot of electronics components but I struggle to see extensive use cases for them without some sort of microcontroller; so do you plan on expanding the inventory to include things like Arduinos?
  2. How do you decide on the pricing? I think it is essential that it is somewhere on the low end especially with the added price of shipping compared to online vendors like amazon, AliExpress, and Banggood.

Thanks for your interest. Please refer to this link for details on how we plan to compensate designers utilizing Maker’s Supply parts: Maker's Supply Creator Incentive

We will update those in the near future, thanks.

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  1. Our current components are non-programmable but support basic switching and adjustment. A set of instructions will be provided in our PDB manual. Programmable hardware and modules are planned for future release.

  2. Our pricing may be slightly higher compared to AliExpress but generally cheaper than Amazon.Our free shipping policy in the Bambu Lab store is also applicable for purchases on Maker’s Supply parts. Our user’s purchasing habits usually involve purchasing filaments with accessories or hardware kits, or simply buying all necessary parts for complete model sets, qualifying their orders for free shipping. Moreover, our electronic components are superior to those found on AliExpress. For example, the N20 motor includes a PCB board, connectors, and matching cables, allowing users to assemble models without welding.

Hopefully this answers your questions, thanks!


Need some way to wirelessly interface a phone app with motors so they can be remote controlled.

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It’s great to hear that you plan to add programmable hardware!
I expected pricing to be more than AliExpress, but its nice to hear that you’re offering amazon quality with a lower price.
As far as the ‘buying habits’, are you considering some sort of bulk buy discount like the filament deal? For example buying >X different components offers Y% discount. I think that some sort of incentive is needed to use the Maker’s Supply considering how saturated online electronics’ market is. Simply put; why is maker supply better than copying the BOM list and buying somewhere else?

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@MakerWorld I Thank you for taking the time to be more inclusive and open with the community asking these questions and considering feedback.

When I first heard of this I automatically started to think of projects and builds that would embody the true aspect of what MakerWorld is. We attended tonight presenting small mechanical builds at a local middle school for 6-8th grade students, theme being “S.T.E.A.M - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathmatics”

Protospyre is more than a designer we structured ourselves as a company. It’s more than designing cool stuff, educating the next generation that’ll take what we do now to further and greater extents.

I believe “Maker Supply” is a great step into a future of incorporating designers, builders and educators all in one. We all understand there’s people to be paid when it comes to having SKU’s & inventory. Although I find most of the pricing reasonable, there will be some who don’t. So with this here’s my list of recommendations for you in my opinion.

MakerWorld / Maker Supply

  1. Add “Maker Builds” as a new category that features models that involve purchased hardware & [Maker Supply] BOM/s
  • KEEP this category strictly to models that contain a set list of materials in the [BOM] section but also include models that don’t solely use [Maker Supply] products.
  1. Add Arduino (Micro Controllers) or similar boards to [Maker Supply] - enables further creativity and incorporates expansion into [MakerSchool? - Learning how to code courses]
  • Suggest adding these as well: RGB LED’s, PTFE PC4-M10 Fittings, Photoelectric sensor/s (cheaper versions), Rubber Fin Fans, Breadboards, 9v battery terminal, WiFi board (2.4ghz), Bluetooth adapter, Buzzers (mono tone, multiphase - reads a single singal sounds 1 beep / generates multiple tones), IR Blaster & Controller
  1. The price of shipping might deter users from pursuing Maker Supply purchases if the BOM is only $16 then an additional $5-$7 for screws, LED’s and wiring. Not sure if it’s possible but a better market approach is to cut shipping for very small parts otherwise main components will solely be purchased and not so much the other stuff that can be obtained 3rd party [amazon] faster & cheaper (per/unit)

  2. [Future Feature] If Maker Supply doesn’t turn into what the team envisioned, I suggest a more direct approach like [Maker Store] - Allow designers/businesses to sell their models all inclusive but set guidelines like (50 - followers = [1] item for sale, 125 = [3], 500 = [5] 1000 = [8])

  • Set a [Cap] to amount of models a designer can sell otherwise the market is dominated by more popular designers. This creates a true leveled and balanced store where only true favored & popular models can be purchased
  • The designer is responsible for upfront purchases of the “Maker Supply” hardware which [MakerWorld] could then create a system of which would incentivize the [hardware] sold by that [Designer] but the system tracks the purchase through [MakerWorld] so accuracy is in place.
    (Designer ordered [5] servos Claims [5] in stock / Designers Robot Arm Model was [purchased] [3] times / Buyer confirms all items received / [MakerWorld] rewards [Designer] for sale.
  • This allows consumers to have peace of mind with shipping costs and relives the burden of that from [MakerWorld / Bambu Labs] - If a designer is willing to become a seller than the effort of shipping should be no more of a hassle since many shipping services simplify this process such as []


  • Although it’s VERY early in the stages, I do see a large room for growth and expansion within. I’ll be willing to finish the [2] model builds I’ve had set in place for quite some time and I only needed to source hardware for that just so happens [Maker Supply] has now. I’m hoping this isn’t just for
    “Verified” designers/accounts because I’ve yet to be “verified” even submitting 2 emails which the 2nd email was a follow up to the first.
    (if you could please follow up on my email, the address will follow with {}

I hope the best for this platform and wish to continue being a part of it’s development.

Thank you

(if anyone has something to add please do but lets refrain from simply shutting down idea’s. I gave my opinion as were all entitled to have our own. Let’s build up a community not tear it down. Happy Printing)


I really like the Maker Supply concept. Builds that combine 3D printing with electronics is a great way to showcase and promote STEM. I have a model on MakerWorld currently that is made for this purpose Wind Tunnel by planes01 - MakerWorld . It gets attention but not as many downloads likely because it requires the additional electronics ($$). It will likely be important for Maker Supply to be priced well so that end users will purchase parts. Regardless, I’m a big fan and will likely be designing and buying parts for models that use the supply that are interesting to me and my family.

I currently provide a parts list for my Wind Tunnel model sourced from Amazon and am looking into converting it to Maker Supply components. It looks like the Maker Supply would need to expand to fully cover the functionality (transmitter and receiver were used but a simplified alternative could be used on that model to minimize costs to end users). @MakerWorld would you consider expanding the Maker Supply parts to make things like the Wind Tunnel work straight from Maker Supply parts? I see servos etc but need a reasonably powerful fan & motor to run it.

I’ll also echo the need for the LED backlight board to be added to supply as well.

Thanks and nice work

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I like the idea to have a list of parts and a direct way to order. But for me that it only half the way. If my model uses parts that I can’t list there, the list is incomplete. I would like to use this list as a parts overview for my models. For example, you need this amount of that screws, this mount of that, an so on. That would be way more useful than a list with just half the parts that I can directly purchase.

So maybe open up that list and let there be a possibility to add free text to single rows in addition to the order-able parts.

You can add third party parts to the BOM.


That has not been working when I tested it on release, but I will review this. Thanks.

I didn’t test it. So it’s possible that’s not yet implemented

A very thoughtful solution, I really like it. Well done !!!