Sharing a Printer with multiple users

So I have access to a printer at home and a printer at work.

Obviously the printer at work has its own user different than mine, so… Is there a way to use works printer without logging out of my home printer?


Adding to this, I’d love to share my home printer with my wife so that we each have our own account, since I used Google login to log into BambuLab, so she can use her own Google account. Is this possible somehow?

I guess, the ability to share a printer with another Bambu account would be the way to go. Should be easy to implement. Countless devices and ecosystems do it that way, particularly in the smart home sector.

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Yep, I do this with my Glowforge, it’s very convenient. For example, I have access to my GF at home and at a local maker space, lots of other people can access the maker space glowforge, and my wife can also access the home GF. So we each have our own files, history, etc. Of course, for the GF to start a “print” you have to press a big button on the laser cutter to start the laser, you can’t just start a print job remotely, so there’s no danger of different people’s prints colliding. Bambu would need to work out a mechanism for coordinating between people…

Let’s hope Bambu implements this soon…

It should really be implemented quite quickly. It’s absolutely weird that you can’t have multiple users using one printer I can’t really see myself ordering another one just so my partner can use the printer. Software and Hardware wise this should be a simple solution and fits with the -it just works- philosophy of Bambu Labs.

100% agree with this quite honestly I’m surprised to find that this isn’t an option had i known i wouldn’t have linked my google account and created a standalone account i could share with other users.

Seems to be one of the few oversights I’ve found so far

what is the status of this? print sharing over network must happen, there’s no way around it !

Doesn’t seem like there’s enough people out there who have the need to share a printer. I’m guessing in most cases if people want something printed they just ask the account holder to set it up.

Another way of potentially addressing this issue without having to do as much backend work would be to simply allow other users to add to a “collection” that belongs to the main account holder, and forcing them to still validate and set up the prints.

I just want an easier way for people to ask me to print things, yes you can keep track of this stuff in google sheets or a different format, but it would be very seamless if this was all integrated into makerworld and bambu handy.

I would also like to have this !

Still waiting Bambu…

Sadly this, and a few other polish issues, are why Bambu will never get to the level Prusa is at. At our Makerspac, we have 2 Creality Ender 3s, 2 Prusa MK3s, 1 Prusa MK4, and an X1c. The X1c has inconsistent issues so no one will use it. And, even if they wanted to, only I can check it remotely because only I can login to it. So unless you’re near the printer, it’s just an expensive paper weight. Wont go into the other issues with it, but the lack of multi-user support is a big no-go for our 400 makers. And our people with print farms wont use them for the same reasons (mainly lack of multi-user). We are regretting our purchase with the x1c and should have gotten 2 more MK4s for the same price.

Another vote for this. My wife should be able to use the printer without signing into my Google account.

I also would like to have multiple accounts at one printer. Or just a way to send the file about wifi with a way to get the bambu points for printing