Shoddy Infill?

Hello everyone,

While I was working on some stuff in my office I heard an odd sound coming from my P1S (appx 150 run hours, a few months old, a single PM performed that involved a cleaning/inspection of everything I could find documentation on except wiping down the X/Y rods due to not having any good 3 in 1 or similar oil to coat afterwards at 81.5 hours). By the time I got over to the machine the noise had stopped, it sounded somewhat like that deep vibration that happens during the bed leveling step.

Back at my desk I heard it again a minute or two later so I stood by it to see if it would happen again and it did. When I saw where the extruder was during that noise I was able to notice this area of the infill that almost looks like short bridges or the first of the top layers on something flat. Once it built up to the top layers the noice and artifact both went away. While the settings for this project are custom, they’re not crazy (some auto generated supports and ironing at 15% are probably the most non standard of the settings, ironing only the topmost layer). No alterations to layer height, head speed, etc., and even if it were a setting error on my part I would think that all of the infill on this portion of the part would have this issue, not just a spot around the size of a quarter dollar or so. My initial guess is it was something mechanical (relatively new to 3D printing but exposed to multiple crafts skills at work over the years so I have a leg up on the learning curve) due to the sound and consistency of where the issue was on the printbed, but to the same point as the settings thought process, I would think I’d see/hear issues on the top layers above that infill and would’ve heard it on other prints earlier today that used that area of the bed, considering there haven’t been any changes to the machine other than removing the prints/buildplate and changing one of the spools in my AMS.

See attached pictures for a visual.

I’m not terribly worried, but not completely certain it is a non issue either. Is this a known issue for the Bambu community and are there any ways I can correct if not a fluke?

This is the issue with grid infill and why it is advised not to use it. It’s is crossing infill which means that the nozzle has to cross an already printed line when printing the infill.

Suggest switching to an non crossing infill like gyroid.

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Hmm. That is interesting on several levels; first and foremost, that I’ve not run into it before today considering I’m often in the room while it is printing and if that is the default infill pattern, it is what I’ve used to this point almost exclusively. I’ll definitely try out some of the other patterns.
