Whenever I view the finish time for a print, I always get slightly annoyed because it is in 24H format and I am not used to that, and I think most users would be happier if this was in 12hr format or if we at least had the option to change it to 12h format.
Good idea, the size of your genius is unprecedented.
i agree i changed my phone so i could learn 24h
Not me.
Having the option for either format would be nice.
yes i know some peoples brains run off a 24h format but like @pfeerick said if we had the option but all you need to do is subtract 12 off of it and its in 12h for you
Yeah like I can still understand it, it just takes me a sec. It’s not like the most needed feature by any means, just something that would make it more convenient.
I, too, would prefer the ability to set the “Finish Time” to either a 12 hr or 24 hr clock.
All modern operating systems have a system wide and/or user setting for 12/24h format, so all software should abide that (as opposed to add their own oddball settings).