hi, as of today the stl simplification algorithm starts when you move the green triangle. I would like to have a manual button to start the simplification. Thank you!
I may not be properly understanding this request.
Moving the green triangle only shows a preview of the simplification. The actual change does not happen until you also click Apply, so that is effectively a manual button. If you choose Cancel, no change is made.
Moving the triangle still starts the algorithm and the PC overheats!
FIRST i wanna to choose the detail level / decimate ration, THEN i wanna the algorithm starts.
Wow. Moving the slider does not even activate my fans, much less overheat the
PC or graphics card.
How would you choose the correct slider position without seeing the preview?
Wouldn’t you still have overheating after pressing a manual button?
What if I told you that Microsoft Windows 3D viewer is actually behind curtain #1?
It sounds more like you are having misconfiguration issues with your system that need to be remedied first. How much memory does your system have? If you’re running anything less than 16GB, that’s more likely the issue.
Bambu Studio, Orca and every other slicer program such as Prusa etc. are very lightweight programs. They run completely well on a 12 year old Intel i3 processor laptop I have lying around my office for those few times I want to manage a print but don’t want to be seated at my main machine.
The reality is that if you are on Windows, the slicer uses the Windows 3D Builder utility to render all STL images. A little known fact.
If you can get access to it, go to the Microsoft Store and download 3D Builder and load the file directly and navigate to the edit and then Simplify and try it there.
3D builder, if you install the utility, also gives you very nice thumbnails in file explorer.
Here’s the download link. All this is, is the app that runs a front end that you see listed above.
I already know the number of triangles that i want
thank you Olias!! very nice tool, i will try