Slicer gap

See below the STL and the sliced version. The final print has that gap closed, but VERY thin. I don’t understand why I am getting a vertical gap, and don’t seem to be able to fix it. I would appreciate your help on this.

Just going by the preview image that wall is a single filament width. It might be forcing the slicer to turn around there for that double-width wall?

I’m not certain that’s the issue but it’s a very thin wall. If you tried setting the seam location to random it might close that gap on some layers but that’s just a stab in the dark. If it is that the slicer can’t figure a way to draw that wall without the gap, maybe giving it a little more options might help?

If you can, if you thicken that wall up it might then be able to solve how to close it?

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@MZip thank you for the reply. You are right, the thin wall is 0.6mm, the thick one is 1.189mm (don’t ask :slight_smile: ). I will try the random setting. I have to print with PETG, which has its own challenges and benefits. I was trying to keep the seams aligned, as I get tiny bumps in every spot where a seam is, if I go random. I will try nevertheless.

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