Slicer shows cost

What doess the embedded script do? (Google warned me about some embedded macro or App-code so I didnt proceed any further or look at code or anyting).

I used a plugin to format the tables in the variable page. That might be what caused the message.
I can remove the plugin and formatting, as it is not required.
Could you share the message?

I removed the plugin - sheet works without it. Please let me know if you encounter any other issues accessing the sheet.

Even tho I’ve selected North America every where i could, the slicer shows me the cost in euro and the filament cost is euro/ kg. How do I change it ?

I checked the most recent version of Bambu Studio and I can’t find a currency designator anywhere.

The cost calculation uses the numerical value you input into the filaments settings.



Studio and OrcaSlicer both set Money/kg in the filament preset. The monetary unit does not matter, dollars, euros, pesos, shekels, donuts, rupees, all work. The estimated cost will be in whatever units you used to record the price in the filament preset.



So I just need to input 38$ CAD in this space, and when I slice the price will be ajusted in ‘‘canadian dollar’’ ? instead of 24 euro/kg ?

(Sorry cant add picture for now)

Just add “38” to the filament “Price” input and it will commute and display the price as “Cost” when you slice the model. The math behind it is super simple.

((Price of filament spool)/1000)*(Grams of filament used) = Cost

The cost doesn’t factor in anything but filament usage.

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Gotcha! Guess I was overt hinking it! haha!

How accurate is the slicer for cost of material?

Very accurate in my experience.

Somehow it does not work out for me, and I believe I have followed all the steps, and thought these instructions were clear. I 'll show you wht my problem still is. Tos start with, the price at default was 24.99 , and that does not work out correctly because it returns a cost of 1.59 , which is wrong as the sums are 69/1000 * 24.99= 1.72, and not 1.59
Anyway I changed the cost to 50.00 to see results, and I changed by entering the floppy, then gave it a new name with “cost” as suffix.
I then even closed Studio ! and re-opened entered the same product and sliced it, but is STILL gave me the cost of 1.59 and not 69/1000 * 50.00= 3.45
Where did it go wrong here?
Schermafbeelding 2024-12-26 120454|690x381

Does your model use multiple filaments with different cost/kg?

All the models I’ve checked (single and multi-filament) produce accurate filament costs.

Well, no, not that I know of; I did not get into this before, and I only followed the above instructions and added one ‘50 amount’ figure , just to try this out, and the original as well as the modified one do not ‘add-up’…
And if there are different figures in the system, then these are there by default.
I will look into this further to check your suggestion.

Your screenshot doesn’t show that you are using the filament with the 50 price. Are you?

You would have to select that newly saved profile in the prepare or preview tab as the filament to be used by the slicer then slice. And then the cost should come out appropriately.

It seems like you must have selected a filament with the cost of around 22.99:

22.99 * 0.069 ~= 1.59

I checked the filaments 1 and 3 and indeed, these are listed @ 22.99, but I am sure I did not ever enter these figures. BUT as I said earlier, I closed Studio and re-opened it, then did the slicing again, so it must have self selected filament 1 or 3 with these amounts. As I did not take it any further, because it was for testing purposes only, I did not see any warnings about the ‘wrong’ material, being PLA i.s.o. ABS.
Anyway, I now got the correct amount shown, so this should be the conclusion.