I used to change filament cost in my Prusa slicer but so far have not found how to do the same in Bambu studio.
Can anyone give me directions to this and maybe any other interesting or not easy to find settings?
You can set the price of the filament in the filament settings itself and you can see filament costs after you sliced it.
Thank you, I should have spotted that.
Is there a way to export the cost and grams used in the exported gcode file name? This is an option in prusa slicer that I use daily.
How exactly do you get to the filament settings to set all this up? Semi new at this and im trying to figure out my way around these things. Really have no idea how to find the settings
In the Prepare tab, click the edit icon to the right of the filament to access the Filament settings. Change any of the fields, and then save the profile by clicking the floppy icon to the right of the name. If you have started by editing one of the system presets, you will be prompted to change the name of the profile.
Is there away to see the cost when its already printing? I made the change i the settings for the cost but i am new so im just printing premade stuff to get used to it, i want to know what those cost. and of course im just looking at what i like or want to try and just send it. now i am watching it on the screen while at work and such and wondering what does this thing cost me for the one item?
Once the print is sent and started you can go to any other tab in Studio. So you could go back to the Preview tab and see the estimated cost in the LineType results, or go back to Prepare, pick another filament, and reslice to compare the cost. You can even prepare a whole new project without disturbing the print in progress.
I guess main issue is since it was an item i found that is preloaded in the Bambu i dont know how to get it to show up on the slicer…that im still learning how to use. I did go to prepare and started a different one to see if i can see the cost but my cost is still showing blank. I did goto the advanced settings to make sure i have a cost input but it is not showing for me.
ok…lol i found out i was putting in the cost wrong it was telling me it would cost .01 for something. i found a site that showed what “they” were putting in cost per KG and it was way off from what i put. not sure the real asnwer but they put $20 per KG…that gave me a cost of $1.69 for a item 2hr40mn print 1 color. Does this sound about right…or should i change the $ perkg? I live in the US if that makes a difference.
Sounds like you did find the estimated cost, but you do have to slice first, then select Line Type to see it. The cost estimate is calculated using the amount of filament(s) needed and the price/kg entered in the filament preset.
I set money per kg to my actual cost, including shipping, tax, etc. I’ve only used 1 kg spools, so it’s pretty easy to know the amount to enter.
At $20.99/kg, $1.69 of filament would be about 80 grams, and some models and settings could use that much filament in 2:40. Your filament price could also have been higher.
now that makes more sense and very helpful, thanks so much. i did it at .20 instead of 20.00 when i was trying to just test to see anything changes. i will look at the spools so i can get exact. i have the AMS to have 4 spools but when i change it not sure it will let me change the cost for each spool individually or all uses one cost.
Cost should be estimated according to the price saved in the filament profile. If you have saved a profile in Studio for “PLA Sunlu Blue” with a price of 20/kg, that is the number used for any estimate using that filament. With multiple, differently priced, filaments in one project, I think Studio will calculate the estimate based on the required amounts used of each one (no AMS here).
You don’t need to get too exact when entering the price. For most non-production purposes the nearest dollar is close enough, since a print usually only uses a fraction of a spool and a few cents won’t matter much.
Is the cost in USD? This ships worldwide so not sure if the cost currency changes according to your location?
When editing the filament preset, you enter only a number for your cost of a kilogram of filament. After slicing, the cost of a print is given as a number without a monetary unit.
This only an estimate, and depends in part on having the correct density entered in the preset.
Bambu team take a quick note for improvement. It would be nice to insert different prices for each filament since some colors are more expensive than others.
I did find that setting before however when I change the price of one color it changes the rest to the same value. Sometime filament prices vary by color hence the question. Thanks.
Are your different “colours” just a preset of a parent filament and thus changing that filament price on 1 preset, changes it and all other presets (as they are all linked to a ‘parent’ filament profile)?
How is it setup, as it works for me.
To illustratate (and sorry, its a bit TLDR below) I have various colours off amougst others, Sunlu PLA+
I have a Primary Custom Filament- SunLu PLA+ (and separatet for PETG, PLA Anti-String, PLA Meta, PLA Matte, … you get the idea)
Each of those, have presets, META for example might have different settings as I find some of the Meta dye seem to alter the performance Per colour.
Looking at the raw code then, of the profiles to see how it works.
SUNLU PLA + Profile in my User\xxxx\Filament\BASE directory -Base is that FILAMENT profile above.
In the User\xxxx\Filament directory, we have the “presets” - obviously a lot more.
In this example - you can see it INHERIT" from the “SUNLU PLA + @Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle”, filament profile above.
When I change the price of SUNLU PLA BLACK, it updates that Preset config file.
So, all the “presets” linked to that Filament profile via the Filament ID# are changed as they “inherit” the settings ffrom this Parent\Base Filament, but then also apply their own Preset file overlay over the top, so price changes, per preset \ colour etc - apply.
Why explain all this? To show that it SHOULD be doing what your trying to do, so the only way its broken is
- You not actually saving the ‘preset’ in the UI but in fact saving over the “master” \ “base” filament price - and the other filaments in different colours, havent had a per-perset price set - so they inherit the master\base pricing you just saved over.
Master - notice the longer @Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 Nozzle naming
vs Preset - named in my own shorter convetion etc.
The ‘Master’ also has a default pricing point in its JSON file, essentially this is what any other Preset defaults too, until you set a custom price (Eg as you say, different colours can be more expensive)
- If you ARE saving over the correct “preset” but the price is updating on all of the other Presets, please check the actual filament and preset config files
- review the JSONs and see if the individual colour file preset files were changed. or just the Parent \ master one …
- You MAY have found a bug in this case, but I cannot reproduce it without more details of exactly how your doing it to test it as well.
BTW- to get to those files, the easiest way is to navigate here, I prefer to look at the raw .JSON files after I make signicant changes through Bambu Studio UI, if I have any concerns with the settings not wokring properly.
I created a google sheet to track all my Prints, Materials, Hardware, Electrical & post processing costs. I’ve made it #Publicly viewable and #OpenSource.