Slicing problem - Funnels

So this is a weird one (at least to me)…

In TinkerCAD, the model looks like this:

I then export an STL file, and in the “Prepare” view in BS, it looks like this:

So all’s well so far…

…but when I slice it, and look at the ‘Preview’ view, it looks like this:

What am I doing wrong here? I’d appreciate any help anyone can provide.

STL File

Orca fails in the same way.


Hey @ipmcc This looks to be a quality setting within your slicer issue. Make sure the walls and layer height is adequate enough to populate the model itself.

If the wall thickness of the model is 0.4mm, the setting for layer height cannot be 0.62mm, etc. The math needs to line up to be able to calculate the walls extrusion and layer heights

The thickness of the material in the model should be 1.5mm or greater.

I didn’t see the setting you were describing, but switching to “Arachne” yielded a good slice, and is printing now, so we’ll see how it turns out.

Thanks for your input! It got me looking at the settings which I’ve mostly ignored until now, assuming the defaults were best. I guess sometimes it pays to branch out. :slight_smile:

I’m obviously far from an expert on this stuff – only about a month in – but if it works, it works.

Thanks again!

Just as an aside with “thin” wall designs, in the CAD program I’ll double check the wall thickness by cutting away half the model (or whatever is appropriate) so I can check the cross section. If you use fillets or chamfers it’s pretty easy to pull them to the point where they make walls too thin in some areas.

Checking this box will let it slice, but that area of the model will only have a single wall and will be very weak.

Change the design to make the walls thicker for a functional part.


The thickness of the material in the model should be 1.5mm or greater.

I didn’t see the setting you were describing, but switching to “Arachne” yielded a good slice, and is printing.

The circular output funnel was absolute trash, but the square output funnel came out much better (although not perfect.) I think I just need to thicken up the walls. some more.

Might be just me but I print funnels and such in vase mode…

@ipmcc Happy to hear you got it solved!

As for the settings, I mainly use OrcaSlicer which is a fork of multiple slicers combined into a single program. I use Bambu Studios as well to ensure my models are printable for every user.

Using “Arachne” as your walls setting is the go to parameter imo. This adjusts the [Wall Thickness] according to the model being sliced and adapts throughout the model. [Classic] will generate a [Specific] wall thickness which is a set variable within the print settings.

1.5mm is very thick for a funnel.

Unless you need to put something through it that is dense, you may well get away with something thinner saving time and material.

That is common for funnels where the density is low.

This really speeds up the print.


I’ve modified the model for walls to be, nominally, 2.5mm. (They’re obviously not coming out like that when printing. More like 0.5mm as measured by calipers, and pretty flexible/flippy-floppy – with apologies to Talking Heads). Very flexible, but upping the CAD thickness to 2.5mm has, at least, yielded parts I can use, even if I remain confused about why they don’t match the models.

I printed 4 of these models at a (CAD) wall thickness of 1-2mm, and they were always full of gaps. I’ve tried Vase mode. The “Detect thin walls” checkbox is disabled for me. I guess I’ll beef up the walls to be 5mm or something. I’m wondering if I’m fundamentally missing something here.

Regardless, I have two usable funnels at this point and that was the goal. I’m not trying to product-ize these funnels at all. Just trying to solve some household problems. And… problems solved!

Thanks for the input!
