Slow AMS motor speed down

Hello guys.

I’m experiencing an issue where, sometimes, the AMS motor will pull the filament inwards and the spool, due to not spinining smooth enough, will move out of its place, climbing towards where the insertion point is and stop spinning entirely in the process, resulting in stuck filament and failed print.

One viable solution for me would be to decrease the speed in which the filament is pulled by the AMS. A mere 10, 15% would already do the trick.

Is this possible via any means whatstoever?

There isn’t a way of slowing down the motor speed but adding a spool weight will often solve the “climbing” issue.


Hey Jon. What do you mean by “spool weight”? The one that last showed the issue seems practicallty unused (it has its full weight). Do you mean add even more weight than a new spool? If so, where exactly and how?

There are a bunch of versions on Makerworld but to explain what I mean, have a look at this one.

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Go for centre spool holders and add “AMS savers”. One of the models with a longish PTFE. That alone will reduce your entanglements by 90-95%.
There are even AMS savers which cut the blasted tape of refill spools but I have not tried them myself.
Good reports in the forum though.