Smooth PEI plate/sticker damaged after 1 print

My original smooth pei plate I bought lasted approx. 300 print hours. I had to replace it and bought a new sticker which I did not apply perfectly (the tool you can print is not very good in my opinion).
After applying the second PEI sticker to the plate (now with a squeegee, worked like a charm) I let it rest overnight so the sticker could fully bond or whatever with the plate.
This morning I have run a small print with Bambu PLA Silk (gold) filament. The print worked fine, however after letting it cool down to room temperature I tried to remove the calibration lines with the Bambu scraper. That process was not particularly easy and it seems it left a few scratch marks on the sticker.
I´m very disappointed to have such a hassle with the build plates from an otherwise great printer.

Any ideas how to prevent that?

@printerprintyprint, in the future, if there are still slight reminiscences of filament from the calibration lines, but you got most of it, go ahead and start another print with the calibration selection on again. Usually, you’ll build up a thick enough line eventually that you can pull it off by hand. I never use the scrapper. It will make the print bed too aggressive at adhering to the filament eventually.

Thanks for the idea! I will definitely try that the next time.
Later today I will try to give a thorough rub, maybe there is also some residue on the sticker and not a defect? Even though it feels like that…
I hope I was a bit too hasty in posting and the sticker can be saved :thinking:

Edit: I tried to clean the sticker, some marks could be removed but overall most of them are still there. As it stands it seems they are permanent/defects in the surface. I’ve added some glue and spread it with water to create a very lightweight separation layer. Hope this helps to keep the current status as long as possible. Still odd that the PEI sticker fails after a single print…

“glue stick can help”

Personally I apply a thin coat of 3DLAC for PLA/PETG
But have to use the glue stick for PA.

Quite disappointing that you still need glue. I will now try the Energetics smooth plate…