Smudgy defects (mostly on one side)

Hey everyone,

I’m currently in the process of printing a Sakura 240Z from
and I`m mostly happy with the results.

I know all recommendation say to print in PLA, but due to the climate here, PLA is no option for me - so I’m printing in PETG (The drive-train will be entirely printed with PC or PA6. not yet 100% sure - Gears in PA that’s for sure)

So long story short: I’m having unnormal issues here and there which I could mostly resolve, except this one:

Its about the uneven, rough surfaces where lines seem to go all over the place instead of following their path - and whats somewhat strange, it mostly happens on the Right Side (opposite to chamber-fan which was off)

The reason I don’t know how to deal with this, is because its not on all corners. not only on pointy ones, nor only on smooth ones. it seems totally random, but more common on one side.

What I also noticed just now, corners are different in sharpness all around.

*It looks like a one-sided pressure advance problem which is only present on certain corners (which does not make sense because then it would be on every corner if I’m not mistaken) Pressure advance is calibrated for that specific filament. I’m also running the newest beta + full calibration.

**Edit: The more I think about it, the more it looks like a X-Y frequency problem to me…

PD: I printed the part this way - that’s why R&L are the other way :wink:

Just tried Fiberlogys own settings I downloaded from their website and compared it to mine doing an overhang test to check cooling and temps.

Well… they’re pretty much the same, Fiberlogys setting even looks a little worse.

Never mind. I give the filament the fault.

I printed another part and it looked horrible on several spots. I decided to print that exact same part with GEEETECHs PETG and Fiberlogys settings (excepts PA) and the print turned out almost perfect.

using GTs own settings would probably have turned out perfect.

My Verdict: Some filaments just don’t work for certain tasks.

PD: I will further test with the little filament I got left but will probably not buy it again. as its too expensive to waste.