I contacted the service. They have already replaced the hot end and now they want to replace the bed. But in my opinion the problem is somewhere else. Have you encountered anything like this?
My first step would be performing basic maintenance with particular attention to cleaning, lubricating where specified, and careful re-tensioning of the belts.
I performed all available calibrations and cleaned everything I could, the problem persists new printer for so much money…
I print in standard speed mode. When the first layer is printed at a slower speed, the problem does not occur, when the printer starts printing the second layer faster, the problem is visible. I can check other things. I also checked the filament included with the purchase of the printer - the problem also occurs with the original filament.
It might be possible that the Max Volumetric Speed is set too high for your filament, and temperature is set too low.
It is recommended to increase the hotend temperature by 10C to try again. If the results are better, then it is recommended to slightly lower the Max Volumetric Speed in your filament profile, by 2-3 mm3/s
Another option to try would be to use a lower layer height (ex: 0.16mm) with the same settings, to confirm if this is a problem related to the Volumetric Speed.
It is also recommended to ensure you are using the appropriate filament profile. If the filament is PLA, use the Generic PLA filament profile.
Can you tell whether the vibration is caused by the nozzle being dragged over the print in the area where you see the ripples? Because that’s what it looks like.
What’s your layer height? First layer? Subsequent layers? If it’s too low, your printer is more likely to detect imperfections (e.g. areas in either your heated bed or build plate which aren’t quite as flat as they could be) and then amplify them. It could be the summation of minor things, such as that, plus overly moist filament (maybe not even by a lot, but just enough to amplify the problem).
Oh, I just remembered! Post your whole project file: upload the .3mf. It’s possible now. You can be the first one! Then we can sidestep the horrible 20 questions we had to do in the past. Go for it!
I’ll check everything again today and let you know, I was also thinking about filament but it’s identical problem on the original bambu filament. I’ll let you know and upload my test file
I’m posting 3mf for a test and for the future - if anyone has such a problem.
I just don’t know how to correct the name of this topic. To make it easier to find.
Raising the temperature by 10 degrees and reducing the volumetric speed helped. The waves are barely visible now - I will experiment with the parameters some more, so as to eliminate them completely
I also added AMS, I hope it didn’t solve the problem The name should look something like this: “how to fix waves on print” unless you have a better idea