[Solved] Unneeded nozzle wipes and material waste


Unsure if this is a slicer issue (priming tower) or firmware issue (nozzle wipes?) or both in combination, but I’ve noticed with the print I ran yesterday that the printer was wasting (a small amount of) material adding to the priming tower after there were no more material changes and also performing a nozzle wipe (but only on one side of the nozzle) between every layer needlessly.

See video for example: IMG_8222-copied on Vimeo

Printer: X1 Carbon
Slicer: Bambu Studio
AMS Firmware: (x2)
AHB Firmware:

Do you have “smooth” time lapse video setting on?

If so, it’s parking the tool head off to the side for a moment to get a clean photo of the print for the time lapse. Since stopping the tool head momentarily might cause some oozing and blobs, it purges and wipes the nozzle before resuming the next layer, even if it’s not changing colors.


Ahh, good point, yes it looks like I did have it turned on for that print. PEBKAC

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I just had the same issue from a project loaded from maker world and was wondering what was going on… Adds about 3 seconds per layer so for my 230 layer print that’s only 11 minutes out of 3 hours. Not worth restarting but annoyed I didn’t find it before. Thanks for posting your question.

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Thank you for your suggestion Matt, I don’t have a X1 but a A1 and did enable “Time Lapse” in my settings for this print. I’m betting that’s why my A1 is stopping between each layer and going to the park position. i didn’t see any “smooth” setting though. Maybe that’s a X1 option or it’s set by default on the A1.

I ordered an A1 and was getting gcode files ready for when it arrives but I have the same problem. It appears to wipe the nozzle after each layer when I show the travel lines in the slicer. I have the timelapse set to traditional so I don’t know why this is happening. I also noticed that the prime tower doesn’t show up unless I set the timelapse to “smooth”

The travel lines showing the head moving back to wipe the nozzle do not occur in practice.

I have an A1 mini and had an A1 (before the recall ), I now have a couple of P1S printers as well.

This movement does not happen.

So for a current print i’m about to run it shows 40mins of travel time. My settings are the same as the gentleman above you. Timelapse off when i send to print and traditional by default. With that said my print time should actually be 2H55M instead of 3H36M roughly?

Thanks, I am trying to print something with TPU and of course I’m proud of my design so I wanted to timelapse it but it keeps oozing and dragging strings everywhere so I guess that setting cant really be used with an oozy material like TPU.