Speed on overhangs not reduced

When printing overhangs the printers speed is not reduced accordingly. I set overhang speed to 3mm/s for all thresholds but it’s nearly never met… what am I missing?

when I change 10%-25% overhang speed to 3mm/s as well this is what i get:

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If you look at the line type preview, you should be able to see what the slicer interprets as an overhang and what it treats like a bridge (50mm/s) in your example.
Also, the overhang treatment is linked to the filament cooling settings (minimum layer time and fan cooling). So with that data, the fan speed and the line type preview you can get a better picture as to what the slicer is doing.

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Thank you. Looks like it only sees the top segment as an overhang…

changing the bridge speed to 3mm/s makes this segment slow to 3 as well, thanks!

Is it normal the others get displayed als normal outer wall?
minimum layer time can change the speeds, but it’s relatively constant. if I print something with the same overhang but different layer times there wouldn’t be the same results for the overhangs on the different layers…

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@z0ki At the risk of asking the too-obvious-to-ask, did you remember to check the box next to “Detect overhang walls”? :man_facepalming:

Screenshot 2024-06-24 222527

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@NeverDie Thanks for the good thought! However this is checked :smiley:
but I don’t have checked the other settings like extra perimeters and reverse on odd. might look into that for general overhang improvement. Thank you!

what I found out is that this is an issue of the layer height I selected (0.08). I thought overhang is calculated based on the angle against the buildplate but it is calculated as the overhang of the current layer against the previous layer. so, the overhang gets less steep with a lower layer height (https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/fgl7qu/made_this_graphic_on_why_layer_height_affects/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).
Unfortunate however, as now I can’t set the lower speeds for a lower angle overhang (against the buildplate).

@z0ki I haven’t yet found a solid explanation for what “Small perimeters” and “Small Perimeters treshhold” refers to from inside orca slicer, but even so I do wonder whether they might be a factor in your print’s behavior, because from a certain point of view your test print consists of 4 small perimeters.

@NeverDie I think that has something todo with holes but not overhangs.

With the same settings on your screenshot however I found a great improvement in overhangs, making the slower speeds less unnecessary for the most part.
For the parts that are missing I found that using modifier blocks is an acceptable alternative.

Thank you for your help and happy printing!

On my current print, which has a lot of steep overhangs, I find that the following also helps:
Screenshot 2024-06-27 151650

@NeverDie thats good to know. Will give it a shot, thanks!