Spiral poop chute

Hi all,
As Im not very good yet at software to make a spiral poop chute but I have tried and failed, not sure if it would work but just an idea. Is anyone up for a challenge. ??

OH it would be for the x1c… so you know… lol

You think of something like this? :thinking:

yeah just like that, but obviously with sides lol :ok_hand: :+1: :+1:

Of course. :smile:

But I don’t wanted to draw a whole poop chute with you afterwards telling “No, I meant something else”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’d guess the biggest problem will be that the chute will not be steep enough. :thinking:


The chute should be short and steep to prevent clogs. A spiral lengthens the path and reduces the slope, increasing the chances of a clog.

Any employee knows that normal poop flows downhill, but filament poop does not have a shape that flows or rolls, it needs to fall.



[Seriousness off]

Edward would reply: Why? We have to develop! If we had always listened to everyone who asked “Why?”, we would still be swinging our way through woods from tree to tree! :smile:

[Seriousness on]

Well … you’re absolutely right!