Status symbols in video stream window?

I don’t recall seeing these before and I can’t find documentation telling me what they indicate, but I have some text based status symbols in my video stream window (see screenshot)

These appear when I start the app as “E | T”
After a starting a video stream they change to “T”, sometimes they change back to “E | T” while streaming.

Anyone else see these and know what they are?

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Following because I too would like to know, good ol’ “send it without documentation” strikes again! Someone who has some design skills should make an infographic. I would do it but it will look like a microsoft paint image if I tried. :rofl:

There’s a whole lot of speculation around "E"xtruder and "T"imelapse, but it appears they’re just in the software and showing but not functional for anything quite yet, but for future use.

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