Strange line on my A1 fuzzy skin print

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for advice on eliminating a strange line visible on my print (photos below, it is visible in both white and blue colour) The print was done using PolyTerra filament with preset settings from BambuStudio for PolyTerra. The line is only noticeable where the U shape of the print concludes. Any suggestions on how to address this issue would be appreciated.


how’s this level looks like in slicer? are there any additional infills or something? or maybe speed is changed on this level?

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This is likely caused by changing layer times. While printing the bridge of your model, your printer will spend a significant amount of time filling out the solid areas.
To verify that, try to change your display mode of the preview tab in Bambu Studio. (Top right of the window.)

You could try to fix this by trying to get your line speeds to something closer to the default. Thicker layers might also help.

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Thanks for the advices!
Indeed there is a difference in layer time in that section

I am sorry, but I’m quite new to 3D printing, how to I exactly fix it? I played with the filament settings in the cooling tab but it did not change anything, any hints?

Hi, anyone know how to tackle this? I tried changing many setting in the slicer, but nothing fixed it…

Have you tried adaptive layer height in that section? I think what your seeing is the fact the slicer has to generate a set of walls that are touching in the middle, if you break the print down and look at it that’s the only area that has 2 walls intersecting. Have you checked the model for manifold issues? That fussy skin effect could be hiding a different problem. Everywhere else look to be simple tubes. BTW I have a question, first how many layers is that area 3 or 4? also is this a hollow print?