Stringing test

Hi im pretty new with bambu printers and bambu studio, i have a p1s and i have done severals retraction tests with the same result, stringing on top, i have changed the retraction distance from 0.6 to 1.8 with no good results (some better than others). I have set z hoop to zero with same result, any advice??
In other tries i had z-hop 0.4.
My best result is with theese parameters
Sorry for my english!!! xD.

Changing retraction doesn’t help with the issue because retraction isn’t the problem. If this is PETG, then you need to dry it. You should not need to mess with the printer’s defaults for retraction. I print PETG all the time, zero stringing, 100% defaults for retraction (I think the defaulted setting is 0.8mm).

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It´s PLA, brand Smartfill

I’ve never had stringing with PLA so I can’t say what the problem is from my own experience. But PLA shouldn’t do that. Retraction isn’t the issue. Even if increasing Retraction makes a positive difference, it’s not the “root cause” of the problem, it’s just a Band-Aid.

Moisture is less of an issue with PLA than PETG or Nylon, but moisture in PLA still causes the same kind of problem - it turns to steam and drives filament from the nozzle even after the extruder stops extruding. The rest of the print doesn’t look too bad, but the “spike” things are a teensy bit “blobby” IMO.

PLA gets brittle when wet. If yours is still nice and flexible, then you may be running too hot and a Temperature Tower print should be what you do next.

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In all fairness, if what your doing is using a standalone tower test and you’re not modifying the G-code to change the retraction at each boundary, then your wasting your time trying to diagnose a stringing issue using a standalone tower test.

However, if you are determined to dial-in perfect retraction and are not a G-code expert, then Orca slicer has a baked-in retraction test which varies retraction by tower height. Based on where the tower starts stringing is where you can place adjustments.

“I’ve done this many times with PLA in Orca, and it’s usually not worth the effort. I’ve never encountered a situation where it’s more practical to fine-tune retraction settings instead of simply removing a few thin strands.”

I had the same with PLA, I lowered the temperature, and now my objects has no strings anymore.
I use Esun PLA+ normal temperature must be 220 I use 208 degrees.
It looks perfect.

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I tried the orca slicer retraction test and goes well, but this one you can ser the results, i’ll try with lower temperature thanks all

today i tried 230 with pla and i had stringing on some parts… its def the temp…