Stringing, the never ending story

Still my stringing problem. I tested the Bambu PLA tough “pine green”. Dried for 8 hours. The nozzle is clean. All basic Bambu Studio settings.

The most curious thing is that at first, I did not notice it. I now see that it pulls very fine threads at the very beginning of printing when the printer makes its first adjustments.

Here are the results, from left to right:

1- Basic settings. a slight “cloud” of stringing on the internal side of the columns.

2- Retraction to 1.0. No change.

3- Temperature at 200c. The disaster: it’s everywhere!

4- Temperature at 210c. There are fewer of them.

I just did 2 other tests at 215° and 225°. The results deteriorate in both directions and especially as soon as the temperature is lowered…

I tried to change the retraction setting without notifiable improvement. The basic parameters give the best results but I wonder: by reducing the temperature should there have been less stringing? Or is the filament of poor quality?

The one thing I did not tried is printing speed. But I do not know what to change…

I have stringing problems with Bambu PLA tough, less with Basic or Matte. They all break also easily and especially the Matte is very brittle… I Know that Bambu is not the manufacturer of filament but nevertheless people buy their filaments because they are approved by Bambu and are meant to be reliable.

Thank you for your help and advice to resolve this issue.


I don’t use this filament or your printer but try this and see what happens with your printer and filament.

You might have to change the retraction length just run a test with these settings and add a new length setting if needed.

This should allow you to up your nozzle temperature to get better layer bonding. I have some pla I run up to 245c with no stringing.

If you run layer height more than 0.2 you can increase the Z-hop as needed.


Let me know what happens

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Thanks. I will try and let you know, of course.

I tried your setting. I still have some stringing especially on the last layers and narrow areas.
Not much and very thin.
A flick of a lighter flame and it goes away.
Bug nevertheless I would like yo get rid of it.

In a way, I’m in the same boat but I figured out some things. So far I’ve tried a few filaments on my A1 and it’s a different experience with each one of them, but not because of the filament, but because of the settings.

With Bambu Basic PLA, it’s overall less stringing and the best at the default 220/65. Then I bought eSUN PLA+, it’s pretty much the same experience with the default 0.4 nozzle. When I changed to 0.2 nozzle and lower layer height, I got those wisps. It seems like lowering temperature to 215 or even 210 helped, also the aux down from 70% to 20% or even 0, and the bed for other layers to 60, down from 65. Also played around with retraction and z hop and increased them, and also helped.

With Silk PLA I got wisps with the default PLA settings but it worked by just lowering the speed down, around 1/3 of the speed, and leaving the other settings default.

So it’s a different experience for me with the same filament but different settings and nozzles.

is it possible that your filament is damp? Have you tried drying it?

Did you do a retraction length test ?

You can try and turn z hop off and see what happens some filaments will string with it on.

Sometimes you have to change the travel speed, drop it in half and see what happens.

Orca slicer has more settings you can change.

Hello, thanks for your advices.
I use the setting posted by 3DTech with mixt results…
My filaments are BambuLab (classic, Matte and tough) and eSUN PLA+.
All dried regularly and kept in a vacuum bag when not in used. I clean my nozzle regularly as well.
I use Orca as well as Bambu studio but since I new to 3D printing I do not know what to tinker with.
I do not know how to change speed and to what value.

I use ESUN PLA+ , for me it works perfect at temperature: 208 otherwise I got stringing too.

Is your parts fan working and you can feel air blowing out of the ports ok ?

It might be to weak of a part cooling fan on the A1 printer for the higher pla nozzle temps and to stop the stringing 100%

Also as long as the part is not overheating or under extruding you are ok but if you do under extrude you can lower your max volumetric speed setting.

You might have to find the balance from no stringing with lower nozzle temp and no under extruding on the A1.

Some tricks have been to add a desktop fan on the open bed printers when using pla filament but you have to find the right balance to not get the bed plate too cold or parts can warp or pop off the bed plate.

These links should help you out to learn more on 3D printer settings :smiley:

Ellis Print Tuning Guide

Volumetric Flow Rate Calculator

Had the same issue out of the box. Tried messing with all the settings but nothing helped. Read a post from another user and swapped to the 0.4 hardened nozzle and problems went away. I only print PLA. Running all default settings now. I think there is a bad batch of the stock nozzles.

I did not put my hand under it to feel the air flow but I surely can hear the flow going up and down during printing.

Do you have a brass nozzle in the A1 ?

No, only the standard A1 mini nozzles.

So far nothing works. I tried different retracrion values. I charge the filament from an eSUN heating box to be sure the filament is dry. I still get very thin stringing but not too much.
It depends from the filament type. I get more from Bambu tough pine green and eSUN PLA+ silver than eSUN PLA+ black, for exemple.
My only solution, so far, is to burn it with a blue flame torch lighter. Just a quick pass and the stringing is gone.
If you are carefull, it will not damage the print.

Do you have another nozzle you can test with ?

I tested with the hardened steel nozzle as well. No change…

Same here, had major stringing with all kinds of PLA from different vendors (Bambu, Esun, overture). After changing to the hardened steel nozzle it is almost gone.

Apologise i deleted my post and started a fresh thread as i needed to be able to add pictures , which it wouldnt allow me to post in here

I just looked at the fan cooling settings see if this setting helps.