It seems that with every update we get new problems, so I thought I start a thread for it.
The last firmware update to 1.07 was supposed to bring joy.
Like being able to do offline firmware updates to get custom things working.
But there are a few hickups now >
Installing a new firmware can require a full set up and configuration.
So I was not surprised to see that my custom profiles and such refused to be seen by Studio.
Got them all back and wanted to do some printing - bad idea…
On the 1.07 firmware it is impossible for me to keep a connection to the printer.
You are on the device tab, set the printer and try the filament calibration but there the buttons are greyed out because the printer dropped the connection to studio.
Once you got around that you can not leave the calibration window, like to check the camera feed - Studio and printer will loose it …
Equally annoying is the constant disconnecting in other places.
Literally every window change in Studio results in a dropped connection.
Once printing and the camera on the connection stays.
What about getting started after the update ?
Needless to say the printer did not remember anything.
The entire pairing hassle with Handy and all - only to get the printer connected to the Wifi.
From there things SHOULD be straight forward.
Switched to LAN only mode and surprise > Studio did not ask for an access code.
I can now just select the printer in LAN mode.
Pairing or binding it with a code ? ROFL
There is no way on my end to get the access code or the pin code working.
The pin code has the ok button greyed out and typing in the access code the printer shows gives me a message stating it is the wrong code.
Ok, lets do it the other way around and do a reset on the printer and go with the access code or pin code right away…
Nope, only handy works and that means the same circle as before.
I know Bambu is busy getting their new printer out but I would appreciate if we could get some working firmware and software eventually…
I am now constantly reconnecting the printer, completing a calibration is a nightmare as Studio keeps messing it up, resulting in the buttons to be greyed out.
Custom filaments shall work now - SHALL…
I added mine and was surprised how easy it was.
After a few hickups even the syncing from the AMS worked and showed the right filaments…
Great, you have the filament sorted, now calibrate it and be happy.
Imagine my surprise when I ended up with TWO filament profiles.
The one I create and the one Studio created after the filament was calibrated.
The PA values can be collected now and assigned, but it won’t change the useless adding of profiles.
This gets even worse if you change things inside a project as then you suddenly get a message that the file name for the filament profile is TOO LONG, only 24 characters max are allowed.
Imagine Bambu would have know about this and NOT created such long name for print profiles.
I tried to sort the Bambu mess once I had my filaments calibrated by simple deleting the uncalibrated filament profiles…
Of course this rendered the profiles that were calibrated useless - they no longer showed up.
Restored the deleted ones and now I have a huge mess that Bambu created.
No offence but it seems there is no one at Bambu who checks things before unleashing them onto users…