Studio forgetting my AMS slot settings right after setting

I installed my second AMS today and was getting everything configured in BS. I have 6 genuine Bambu spools (that obviously auto-set) and two other spools (Sunlu PLA). I have a preset set up already for it, and it’s available in the drop down menu when I’m trying to set the slots, it lets me select it and also select the color, and when I click “confirm” the slot correctly changes color and label.

Then, when I select the second slot and select the color and click “confirm”, the first slot that I just previously set is now blank again, and this will go back and forth repeatedly, I can set one slot and click confirm and as soon I set the other, it erases the first one. Then, if I click out of the “device” tab and back in, both slots are blank again. I’ve tried restarting the program, my laptop, and the printer, and nothing seems to make the settings stick.

Am I doing something wrong?

I think I answered my own question, I tried “generic PLA” and it works, I guess you just can’t use custom profiles in the AMS slots, Bambu really wants you to buy their filament.

I have an X1, not sure which printer you have. With my X1, I have to use the screen on the printer and tell it I have Generic PLA loaded in the given slot. Then in BS I can choose a custom PLA preset I’ve created. I’m not having issues doing it this way. I know that if I don’t set it in my printer I have issues within BS using the slots.

Any brand of compatible filament can be used on BL printers. There are currently profiles for three non-BL brands pre-defined, and then Generic for all other brands.

The three non-BL brands have profiles for different materials:

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If a Generic brand and material is selected, then a customised profile can always be created in Studio, as it can also with original-BL or non-BL, pre-defined filament.

It would be great if this non-BL brand list was expanded.

When a Resync is done in Studio, all AMS slots will be reset to either the RFID-tag-detected original BL filament or what was selected on the screen for non-BL filament (Generic, Overture, Polymaker or eSun as at 30 Mar 2024). For example:



A customised profile can then be selected or created in Studio, as shown below where Generic PLA has been replaced by a customised profile for FormFutura EasyFil ePLA:


Every time Resync is selected, slot 1 will be replaced by Generic PLA, as selected on the printer screen. But if Sync is selected, then slot 1 won’t be changed from the custom profile unless it is detected that the spool has been changed.

here to comment so i can post later! I hate that they make you do this!

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The truth of the matter is that you need to read more. not post to advance from “new user” to “basic user”

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Yes, I know you can make custom profiles, my issue is when setting the AMS slots (in the device tab) you can’t use your custom presets or it just resets to blank once you click off the device screen. I have to select Generic PLA, then go to the prepare tab and once again change the filament to the correct user preset, it’s an extra step that wouldn’t be necessary if they let you do this in the Device/AMS tab or if they made settings from either place transfer to the other seamlessly, using any preset you want, not just Generic or their pre loaded ones.

Point taken. I agree that the Sync/Resync could be revisited by the engineers & developers to find a more logical solution. As I said here too.
The integration between the printer screen list of filaments and the slicer should be part of the improved workflow. I agree it’s not exactly intuitive.