Hi all, from the get go I had no problems getting anything off the plate. Even the two prints on the corners were always easy to come off. But last night I noticed my prints were getting more difficult to come off and the setup strips on corners were looking like the leveling was off and the head was too close to plate. I cleaned the plate and I reran calibration but it didn’t fix it?
The coating on the textured PEI plate may deteriorate as more and more prints are removed, and the adhesion and release may change, although the photos show something entirely different. I found that liquid glue improved adhesion and release significantly. More info on glue types and filament compatibility here.
Was the plate perhaps placed on top of the two corner guides at the back left and right of the bed? This would lift it slightly and may cause the wider prime line shown. I’m sure everyone has done this at some time.
Otherwise it may be a Z-homing issue.
If a good plate cleaning and a full recalibration does not work. I usually do a full maintenance cleanup. I also do the full calibration again with a power on/off.
For me that always works.
I’m just printing with PLA and not trying to use glue every time. The plate is installed correctly. If it is a z homing issue what do I do?
What is a maintenance cleanup? If it matters, I’ve only had this about a week.
What happens if you print the Benchy that is on the printer using BL PLA? Just check that the plate is properly located on the bed.
It’s seated correctly. And the benchy prints fine, it just doesn’t come off on it’s own like it did the first time and the prime lines at the corners look smooshed and are difficult to pull off. One thing I Just thought about, there was a firmware update I believe so maybe that’s part of the problem. I Just powered down and back on and ran all calibration except the vibration thing and am printing another benchy.
After a firmware update there’s no harm in rebooting and running the full calibration again, including the vibration/ harmonic analysis. Perhaps an improvement has been made.
Ok definitely something going on. Green is first benchy. I just hit power button in back, waited a moment then powered back on. Running a self test then will do a full calibration.
There is an adhesion issue.
See how the inner wall was printed but lost adhesion with the plate and was pulled off of the model. Clean your plate.
I have. That’s why I posted. I’ve cleaned and calibrated.
Since i print a lot of ABS, they recommend doing this procedure once a month. Other plastics you can go up to three months or if you are having quality issues.
This is the wiki when you decided to do the maintenance cleaning.
Revert back to the previous firmware version and see if that fixes the issue
I highly doubt the latest firmware is the cause. It is an improvement in all respects for me.
The green Benchy looks ok underneath but the red one looks like the filament is poorly calibrated and is under-extruding.
- Was liquid glue used?
- Was calibration selected at the start of the print, since the filament is different?
No glue, it’s pla. The green was shown as baseline and red the issue. Power cycle and additional calibration seems ro have fixed it.