Sudden PETG issues troubleshooting

Holes sounds like under-extrusion.

I think the high temperature being used is going to complicate identifying what is wrong. It may be compensating for a fault elsewhere, and could be misleading.

I suggest go back to standard everything: 0.4mm nozzle (if it’s anything different), standard 0.2mm profile, standard profile temperatures and extrusions rates, the works…

Then run manual flow dynamics calibration, inspect the test and update the K value.

Then print a small test block from Manual Flow Rate Tuning for better looking prints | Bambu Lab Wiki. Inspect and identify what is not perfect and change only one thing.

Repeat systematically. The test block is small, so quick and cheap to test multiple times.

Change only one thing every time. You should converge on better results.

Other things to consider: worn (enlarged) nozzle, extruder slipping (inspect inside - I recall a Wiki article on how to strip the extruder if it’s not gripping filament).

Please post back what you discover. I’m very curious. Good luck

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