I’ve suddenly started getting this rough surface in prints, but nothing has changed. This is the same STL, printed at the same time on the same plate - anyone know what might be causing this?
Fuzzy skin turned on in slicer? Setting is under Others under special mode. Just guessing here…
Did you by chance update your machine recently. I’m having the same issue and wondering if that might be it. I vaguely remember updating it lol
The printers and Bambu Slicer are all up to date - those 2 prints were on the same plate and printer at the same time.
Partial clog perhaps? How have prints looked since this particular set?
Thanks - the prints have been great until this recently. Do you know the bets method to check for partial clogs? I’ve swapped to a fresh hot end, and a different filament, but getting the same results.
If you have changed the hot end I would say it’s not a clog. Others have run into issues with the filament path causing problems (e.g. sharp bend near print head or too long a PTFE tube causing too much drag). I haven’t seen this myself, so I have not seen these myself so don’t know how to narrow it down to that.
I had a similar issue with some Starlight filament, and mine was a slicer issue. If yours was on the same plate, I would try retensioning belts and run a manual calibration.Then run a flow test and see how it looks.
@UnMinted_LTD If they were printed on the same plate at the same time, it might be worth looking under the plate for a bit of filament or other artifact that would cause the leveling to give you an inaccurate reading on one side. Just a thought (and easy to check).
I would get the same thing about every other day, I just run the bed calibration and the prints turn out fine. I do swap out between 2 plates though so not sure if that throws off the printer at times.
Is it overextruded or is the nozzle dragging on the surface? Was there an adhesion difference between the two? Were there more than two printed? Is it repeatable?
If it’s just two parts on the plate I would try cleaning the plate and then try moving the problem pieces position on the plate.
No, this was on the same plate, but thank you for checking!
Thank you - when you say to run a flow test - is there a test built into the printer / slicer that you’re referring to?
Thank you - I’ll run a fresh calibration.
Bambu Studio and Orca Slicer have flow tests.
Have you been able to solve the problem?
I had similar problems, rolled back to a previous firmware version, magically all problems went away.
That’s really good to know - thank you - I spent a lot of time running calibrations and testing flow rates, and got things working pretty well, but I did update to the latest firmware about the time it occurred. It just seemed kind of random with the noise.
on a similar issue: is there a way to make the “Studio” print only the top layer (s) in a smoother/better quality?
You could try with the “Ironing” feature under the “Quality” settings in Bambu Studio.