Suddenly Spaghetti

A few days ago my P1S started spewing spaghetti. The first print to go bad was printing 30-06 rounds. Never got it to print successfully. The next print my son tried also failed. I did dry the filament. I tried removing the top cover. I tried reducing the printing speed and acceleration. None of those measures have helped. All prints were PLA. Link to videos.

Screenshot from 2024-02-12 10-52-40
Screenshot from 2024-02-12 10-53-30

The problem was temperature. I moved the printer to the garage where it was 20 degrees cooler. I moved the printer back into the house and the problems cleared up.

My shop is kept at about 14-16°C in winter. I find I need a chamber temperature of at least 26°C for all filaments. Preheat the chamber with the heat bed before starting any prints.