Suggestion - print profile picture (user must upload 1 picture)

Currently when you upload a print profile, you can get away with telling it to insert your plates for the pictures.

What should happen IMO is the user MUST upload at least 1 picture for the system to allow them to upload a print profile. Like the system will still add the plates if they want, but it won’t count those. This forcing the user to slow down a minute, read the warning above that area, and actually upload at least 1 image of the print.

I strongly agree with this.

I have successfully reported over 1,000 printer profiles for failing to provide even a single photo to prove a successful print has been achieved.

Given the amount of time I put in and the amount of time the staff put in to review my reports, act on them and report back - BL could save themselves a lot of time and maybe move a staff member into ticket side customer service and maybe respond to my ticket from 5 days ago!

I would go further and suggest that a photo of the actual print must appear in the main design photo as well as the profile images.

Personally, I would like the very first photo of the design to be photo proof of a successful print. If only one print profile is included in a single design then the very first image must be photo proof if the model images didn’t force a photo proof being the first image.

The user has to often wade through 10+ renders for the model and the same for a profile to end up finding zero photo evidence of a successful print.


For putting the print pic first. They can just automatic make it where user uploaded picture always go first

I agree with the main picture. I actually thought that was a rule