I recently tried sunlu pla and giantarm silk pla and just wanted to let everyone know that i had excellent results with them. I needed some filament quick so i ordered some from amazon and even thought 90% of my filament is from bambu,these filaments surprised me with great quality prints and price. It’s just nice to know i have options when the bambu store is sold out or you need something quick!
I’ve been using Sunlu along with Elegoo without much of a problem. Seems Sunlu has cut back immensely on Amazon stock. I also don’t like their Yellow or Blue. It’s too light but probably ok for CYMK usage. Elegoo comes on paper spools, so I rewind it on plastic spools. I keep my Sunlu empties, and all the AMS units came with four new empty spools. Rewinding only takes a few minutes and they go directly into an AMS or cereal box drier on the shelf.
I just used Sunlu and agree. It went well
Sunlu is the filament I use the most for years with great results. I’m not from US, so mostly I use what I can find at Aliexpress. Sunlu and eSun mostly.
Go to their official website to order in bundles for even better pricing, and free shipping.
tried esun once or twice too had no issues . I like their white!
yes after ordering a few rolls on amazon i become a member on their site . I dont need any filament atm but the prices are great !
Wow, that site is way too busy for me. All the flashing, moving and pushing pop-ups is downright irritating. I couldn’t see how to just order a couple of colors there. It seems to be prepackaged offerings, but I just didn’t feel like looking around. Nope, I’ll stick with Amazon. I’ve been getting most the next day and don’t have to rely on UPS or FedEx to get it to the correct address. It’s worth the few extra bucks to me.
I did not like the three spool minimum at Sunlu.com. Also not happy with no shipping quote until I provided name and phone number. Sunlu price is a $1.50/spool less than the same thing on Amazon, but our Prime account gets the two spools I need here tomorrow with no additional shipping charge.
Their website is not helping them. I often had trouble paying with credit card, but somehow it would resolve. Pick the bundle, such as 6-roll bundle, of a specific filament type, then pick the color and quantity to meet the 6 count. I haven’t had to order from them lately, but last time I got the 10-roll bundle (not sure if they still do it), taxes included, and free shipping, for a little over $120. Good deal.
They once did free overnight shipping but I don’t think it’s still an option.
They always seem to be out-a-stock (PET-G) when I go direct online to the Sunlu site, however if I go to the online bay site “The Sunlu Store” seller they are most always in stock here in the U.S. Great deal on 10 packs. I got my last 10 pack of mixed colors for about $109.00 U.S. and they seems to work OK with some tweaking of settings. In my opinion their is a difference though in the quality consistency and the material seems a bit thinner if that makes any sense. With Bambu PET-G I have noticed a good consistency between spools and the quality is quite good, so I’ll keep buying the Bambu brand until my membership expires. That also give me time to buildup my blank spools for the AMS. I don’t mind paying a little more for quality.
Agree just ordered a roll od petg blue which was out of stock on their website but not on amazon. Cost me maybe 4-5 $ more but considering im getting it next day for free its worth it.
I’ve noticed alot of filament selling websites are always low on stock or out of stock? weird???
But ya bambu filament is still my fav! for every kind of filament. Always prints great for me even petg abs asa !
I’m loving GiantArm. It has great colors and adhesion
I know this is an older post but your experience helped me a ton! I have a bunch of Sunlu PLA and GiantArm Silk PLA Silver and Gold left over from when I had my Ender 3 v2…It truly is amazing how the P1S handles it like nothing! Just used the Generic PLA for the Sunlu and Generic PLA Silk for the GiantArm and prints perfect!